The study aimed to establish climate change on temperature trends, variation and change point patterns in Warri, Nigeria, using 31-year daily temperature data (1992-2022). The primary data were obtained from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) for Warri to understand the temperature dynamic in the city. Both the annual maximum and minimum temperatures were extracted from the dataset and also the mean temperature was obtained by getting the mean temperature of the maximum temperature values. Mann-Kendall trend tests, linear regression, change point detection through CUSUM analysis, and Sequential Mann-Kendall tests were used for the trend and change point analyses. Results revealed statistically significant increasing trends in annual maximum temperature (0.02°C/year) and mean temperature (0.025°C/year), while minimum temperature showed a non-significant positive trend. Change point analysis identified significant shifts in maximum and mean temperatures around 2005-2006. The average annual maximum temperature was 36.35°C, with temperature yearly projections suggesting potential increases to nearly 40°C over the next century if current trends continue. These findings have important implications for urban infrastructure and industrial operations in Warri, particularly given its significance as a major oil and gas hub. The study provides crucial insights for climate adaptation planning in coastal industrial cities experiencing warming trends.
Published in | Hydrology (Volume 13, Issue 2) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.hyd.20251302.11 |
Page(s) | 90-101 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Temperature Trends, Change Point Detection, Mann-Kendall Test, CUSUM Analysis, Climate Change, Urban Heat Island, Warri
Annual Temperature Series | Shapiro-Wilk | Anderson-Darling | Skewness | Standard Error of Skewness | Z-skewness |
Maximum Temperature | 0.011 | 0.006 | 0.818 | 0.421 | 1.944089 |
Minimum Temperature | 0.005 | 0.027 | -1.295 | 0.421 | -3.07957 |
Mean Temperature | 0.431 | 0.222 | -0.230 | 0.421 | -0.54589 |
Statistic | Annual Maximum Temperature | Annual Minimum Temperature | Annual Mean Temperature | |||
Intercept | Year | Intercept | Year | Intercept | Year | |
Value | -32.039 | 0.034 | -44.492 | 0.031 | -14.938 | 0.023 |
Standard error | 24.998 | 0.012 | 84.471 | 0.042 | 13.653 | 0.007 |
t | -1.282 | 2.736 | -0.527 | 0.740 | -1.094 | 3.440 |
Pr > |t| | 0.210 | 0.011 | 0.602 | 0.465 | 0.283 | 0.002 |
Lower bound (95%) | -83.166 | 0.009 | -217.255 | -0.055 | -42.863 | 0.009 |
Upper bound (95%) | 19.089 | 0.060 | 128.271 | 0.117 | 12.986 | 0.037 |
Statistic | Annual Maximum Temperature | Annual Minimum Temperature | Annual Mean Temperature |
Kendall's tau | 0.356 | 0.184 | 0.363 |
S | 153.000 | 83 | 169 |
Var(S) | 3280.333 | 3419 | 3461.667 |
p-value (Two-tailed) | 0.008 | 0.161 | 0.004 |
Sen Slope | 0.020 | 0.045 | 0.025 |
alpha | 0.05 | 0.05 | 0.05 |
Temperature Series | Maximum CUSUM Value | Critical Values | Change Point Year | Remark |
Annual Maximum Temperature | 11 | CI @ 90%: 6.7927 CI @ 95%: 7.5722 CI @ 99%: 9.0755 | 2006 | Significant change point |
Annual Minimum Temperature | 6 | CI @ 90%: 6.7927 CI @ 95%: 7.5722 CI @ 99%: 9.0755 | 2003 | No significant change point |
Annual Mean Temperature | 10 | CI @ 90%: 6.7927 CI @ 95%: 7.5722 CI @ 99%: 9.0755 | 2005 | Significant change point |
Temperature Series | Change Point Year | Crossing Pattern | Remark |
Annual Maximum Temperature | 2016 | Single crossing | Probable change point |
Annual Minimum Temperature | 2012 | Multiple crossings | No change point |
Annual Mean Temperature | 2006 | Single crossing | Probable change point |
U | 43.000 |
Expected value | 119.000 |
Variance (U) | 604.213 |
p-value (Two-tailed) | 0.002 |
alpha | 0.05 |
U | 80.000 |
Expected value | 110.000 |
Variance (U) | 580.753 |
p-value (Two-tailed) | 0.221 |
alpha | 0.05 |
U | 38.000 |
Expected value | 117.000 |
Variance (U) | 624.000 |
p-value (Two-tailed) | 0.002 |
alpha | 0.05 |
ACF | Autocorrelation Function |
CUSUM | Cumulative Sum |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IPCC | International Panel on Climate Change |
MK | Mann-Kendall |
NIMET | Nigerian Meteorological Agency |
SQMK | Sequential Mann-Kendall |
SSE | Sen’s Slope Estimator |
TFPW | Trend Free Pre-whitening |
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APA Style
Olali, K., Nwaogazie, I. L., Ikebude, C. F. (2025). Establishing Climate Change on Temperature Trend, Variation and Change Point Pattern in Warri, Nigeria. Hydrology, 13(2), 90-101.
ACS Style
Olali, K.; Nwaogazie, I. L.; Ikebude, C. F. Establishing Climate Change on Temperature Trend, Variation and Change Point Pattern in Warri, Nigeria. Hydrology. 2025, 13(2), 90-101. doi: 10.11648/j.hyd.20251302.11
@article{10.11648/j.hyd.20251302.11, author = {Kigigha Olali and Ify Lawrence Nwaogazie and Chiedozie Francis Ikebude}, title = {Establishing Climate Change on Temperature Trend, Variation and Change Point Pattern in Warri, Nigeria}, journal = {Hydrology}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, pages = {90-101}, doi = {10.11648/j.hyd.20251302.11}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {The study aimed to establish climate change on temperature trends, variation and change point patterns in Warri, Nigeria, using 31-year daily temperature data (1992-2022). The primary data were obtained from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) for Warri to understand the temperature dynamic in the city. Both the annual maximum and minimum temperatures were extracted from the dataset and also the mean temperature was obtained by getting the mean temperature of the maximum temperature values. Mann-Kendall trend tests, linear regression, change point detection through CUSUM analysis, and Sequential Mann-Kendall tests were used for the trend and change point analyses. Results revealed statistically significant increasing trends in annual maximum temperature (0.02°C/year) and mean temperature (0.025°C/year), while minimum temperature showed a non-significant positive trend. Change point analysis identified significant shifts in maximum and mean temperatures around 2005-2006. The average annual maximum temperature was 36.35°C, with temperature yearly projections suggesting potential increases to nearly 40°C over the next century if current trends continue. These findings have important implications for urban infrastructure and industrial operations in Warri, particularly given its significance as a major oil and gas hub. The study provides crucial insights for climate adaptation planning in coastal industrial cities experiencing warming trends.}, year = {2025} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Establishing Climate Change on Temperature Trend, Variation and Change Point Pattern in Warri, Nigeria AU - Kigigha Olali AU - Ify Lawrence Nwaogazie AU - Chiedozie Francis Ikebude Y1 - 2025/03/26 PY - 2025 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.hyd.20251302.11 T2 - Hydrology JF - Hydrology JO - Hydrology SP - 90 EP - 101 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2330-7617 UR - AB - The study aimed to establish climate change on temperature trends, variation and change point patterns in Warri, Nigeria, using 31-year daily temperature data (1992-2022). The primary data were obtained from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) for Warri to understand the temperature dynamic in the city. Both the annual maximum and minimum temperatures were extracted from the dataset and also the mean temperature was obtained by getting the mean temperature of the maximum temperature values. Mann-Kendall trend tests, linear regression, change point detection through CUSUM analysis, and Sequential Mann-Kendall tests were used for the trend and change point analyses. Results revealed statistically significant increasing trends in annual maximum temperature (0.02°C/year) and mean temperature (0.025°C/year), while minimum temperature showed a non-significant positive trend. Change point analysis identified significant shifts in maximum and mean temperatures around 2005-2006. The average annual maximum temperature was 36.35°C, with temperature yearly projections suggesting potential increases to nearly 40°C over the next century if current trends continue. These findings have important implications for urban infrastructure and industrial operations in Warri, particularly given its significance as a major oil and gas hub. The study provides crucial insights for climate adaptation planning in coastal industrial cities experiencing warming trends. VL - 13 IS - 2 ER -