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Epiphytic Dynamics of the Adaptations to the Changes of Habitats in Taï National Park

Received: 10 June 2024     Accepted: 29 June 2024     Published: 15 July 2024
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Anthropogenic pressures in the eastern zone of the Taï National Park have led to the fragmentation of plant formations. The forests in the eastern part of the park have suffered significant degradation of plant cover and a significant loss of biodiversity. Therefore, this study makes it possible to contribute to monitoring the dynamics of reconstitution of the plant cover based on the ecological characteristics and the distribution of epiphytes present in the Djapadji management sector. Floristic inventories were carried out. In the plots, all trees with a DBH ≥ 5 cm were counted and recorded for the study of the structure of plant formations, all species carrying an epiphyte were recorded and the epiphyte was identified. The analysis of the data presents a flora composed of 26 epiphytes distributed in 18 genera and 9 families, mainly present in mountain forests. The diversity of epiphytic plants is highest in mountain forests, followed by hydromorphic, secondary and gallery forests. Strict epiphytes and Hemiepiphytes are more present in the most preserved habitats, while accidental epiphytes are observed in reconstitution biotopes. The distribution of epiphytic plants allows us to affirm that the formerly anthropized forests of the Djapadji sector present a good dynamic of reconstitution.

Published in American Journal of Life Sciences (Volume 12, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajls.20241204.11
Page(s) 65-72
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Epiphyte, Microhabitats, Biodiversity Conservation, Ecological Monitoring

1. Introduction
Epiphytic vascular plants are structurally dependent on other plants without being parasitic to them . These epiphytes constitute one of the most important components of tropical forests . In these humid tropical forests, plants living epiphytically represent almost half of the vascular flora . At the global level, vascular epiphytes constitute 10 pc of plant biodiversity, which represents the highest proportion among vascular plants . Epiphytes occupy a significant place in the biological richness of their ecosystems . These vascular epiphytes have major ecological importance in local forest ecosystems. They play an essential role in the nutrient and water cycle, then contribute substantially to the plant biomass of tropical forests . Some epiphytic plants serve as habitat and constitute a food source for insects and birds . They are also used in medicine, agriculture and horticulture . Due to certain particular adaptations, some of them are used as bioindicators of climate change, pollution and in the assessment of ecological impacts .
Studies have highlighted striking differences in the diversity patterns of epiphytes compared to terrestrial representatives of some taxa, suggesting that epiphytic and terrestrial plants have different responses to environmental factors ; Epiphytes are more closely coupled to atmospheric and environmental conditions than terrestrial plants due to their dependencies on woody supports. Epiphytic life constitutes a constraint on access to water and strongly influences the vertical and then horizontal distribution of epiphytes within the forest cover.
One of the anthropogenic factors that influences the presence of an epiphyte in a biotope is deforestation. Their dependence on host trees makes epiphytes particularly vulnerable to deforestation and changes in forest structure generally leading to a loss of epiphyte diversity . Following large-scale logging from Côte d’Ivoire in 1960, many areas of tropical forest were mainly converted to agroforests of cocoa, coffee and annual crops . The scale of this agricultural expansion has led to conflicts between socio-economic interests and the management and conservation of biodiversity.
Tai National Park turns out to be a good example to illustrate this situation. According to the work of Gnagbo , this park presents conditions potentially favorable to epiphytes. It constitutes the largest primary tropical forest under strict protection in the entire West African region . Unfortunately, this site has been the subject of numerous intrusions with plantations as well as illegal gold panning . Thanks to military-political crises and insufficient monitoring, land clearing was observed until 2014 in various management sectors including Djapadji. This study is therefore initiated in the Taï National Park to contribute to a better assessment of the impacts of modifications in the park's ecosystems on the distribution of vascular epiphytes. The objective of the study is to characterize the changes in epiphyte populations following the levels of forest reconstitution in the Djapadji management sector.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Description of the Study Area
Taï National Park is located in the South-East of Côte d'Ivoire on the edge of the border with Liberia. This park is located between latitudes 5°10' and 6°50' North and longitudes 6°50' and 7°50' West (Figure 1). The eco-climatic conditions which reign throughout the Tai National Park place it in the rain-producing sector of the Guinea-Congolese domain. The park is covered with a sub-hygrophytic rainforest . There are forests on hydromorphic soils. These are swamp forests, riparian forests and periodically flooded forests. In several regions of the park, strong anthropogenic pressures have led to the creation of plantations of annual crops as well as cash crops. After the eviction since 2014 of these populations illegally installed inside the park, the formerly anthropized spaces are gradually converted into fallow land then into secondary forests.
To effectively implement all management programs, the PNT has been subdivided into 5 management sectors which are Djouroutou, Taï, ADK-V6, Soubré and Djapadji. Of all these management sectors, the Djapadji sector subject to this study is one of the most anthropized. There are fallows, secondary forests and hydromorphic forest formations as well as evergreen forests.
Figure 1. Boundaries of management areas in Taï National Park.
2.2. Data Collection and Analysis
Inventory plots were arranged according to the different plant formations observed in the Djapadji sector. Each plot is a rectangle 20 m wide by 25 m long, or 500 m2. For each survey, the factors influencing the distribution of epiphytic species were described. This involved the presence of water in the environment, the relief, the structure of the undergrowth, the canopy and the type of plant formation. Conservation levels as well as cultural history were also taken into account. In each inventory plot, each woody plant bearing epiphytes was identified. The epiphytes present on these host species were also identified and then counted.
Surface surveys were supplemented by traveling surveys. This involved covering the entire biotope concerned, noting all the epiphytic and host plants not encountered in the inventory plots. This method is suitable for difficult to access environments or long routes.
Ecological data and biotope structures were also taken into account as part of this study. The distribution of epiphyte host individuals by diameter and height class makes it possible to account for the structure of woody populations . The main morphological and biological types taken into account are classified according to the height of the woody plants . Chamephytes have a height of between 0 and 0.25 m. Nanophanerophytes have a height of between 0.25 and 2 m. As for Microphanerophytes, they are between 2 and 8 m. The Mesophanerophytes follow with heights between 8 and 32 m. Megaphanerophytes are woody plants with a height greater than 32 m.
The floristic diversities of the different epiphytic populations of the inventoried biotopes were evaluated with the diversity index according to Shannon . This index measures the species composition of a population by taking into account the specific richness and relative abundance of each species . It is mainly determined by the dominant species . The mathematical formula for this index is: H'=-Pi×lnPi. H' represents the Shannon diversity index, Pi = Ni / Σ N; Pi is the relative frequency of individuals of species i; Ni is the number of individuals of a species i and N is the total number of individuals of all species.
The regularity of the distribution of species within the same biotope was evaluated by the Equitability index according to . Also called the regularity or even distribution index, this index reflects the way in which individuals are distributed across species. It allows you to tell if a space is dominated by any species . Its mathematical expression is as follows: E=H'/lnS. E designates the Pielou equitability index, H' is the Shannon index and S represents the total number of species in the plot or space concerned.
The floristic similarity between the different biotopes was evaluated using the similarity coefficient according to Sorensen . The expression of its formula is: Cs=2ca+b×100. “Cs” is the Similarity Coefficient; “a” the number of species in plot A; and "b" the number of species in plot B; “c” the number of species common to both plots (A and B).
The levels of presence of epiphytes in the inventoried biotopes were also taken into account. The rarefaction index (Ri) made it possible to determine the abundance and rarity of an epiphytic species in its environment. It is calculated from the equation of according to the formula: Ri=(1-niN)×100; Where “ni” represents the number of plots of the species “i” and “N” the total number of plots placed in the environment.
The abundance of epiphytes was assessed using the method of . It is practical for analyzing the structure of small samples with an abundance of less than 100 individuals in a given plot. The horizontal spatial distribution model of species using the method of is applied on the basis of the number of epiphytes recorded on an inventory surface. If sampling is done in “n” plots of the same area and “m” is the average of individuals inventoried per plot, σ² the variance and λ the spatial distribution index, then: λ = σ²/m.
A direct ordination was carried out to measure the distribution of epiphytic plants according to environmental parameters. Factorial Correspondence Analysis makes it possible to analyze the connection between two qualitative variables . Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), a factorial method of multidimensional descriptive statistics, was used. In principle, the MCA is a particular analysis which allows more than two types of qualitative environmental variables to be taken into account . The distribution of epiphytic species according to environmental parameters was analyzed using MCA with Statistica version 10 software.
3. Results
Floristic inventories within the 4 main biotopes of the Djapadji management sector made it possible to collect 259 individuals of epiphytic plants, distributed between 26 species, 18 genera and 9 families. The greatest epiphytic diversity is observed in mountain forests with 16 species, while only 9 species are observed epiphytically in secondary forests (Tables 1 and 2). The Araceae family was the most represented with 33.46% of the observed epiphytic taxa. Next, the Orchidaceae, Polypodiaceae and Piperaceae have respectively 25.77%, 16% and 15% of the epiphytes in all biotopes. The other families have less than 10% of epiphytic taxa.
Table 1. Floristic Richness of the Different Studied Biotopes.


Epiphytic Taxa




Mountain Forests




Secondary Forests




Hydromorphic Forests




Gallery forests




Table 2. List of Epiphytic Plant Species in the Investigated Area.



Epiphyte Type

Biological Type


Adientum sp





Ancistrorhynchus capitatus (Lindl.) Summerh.





Angraecum distichum Lindl.





Arthropteris palisotii (Desv.) Alston





Bulbophyllum fuscum Lindl.





Bulbophyllum purpurearhachys





Calyptrochilum emarginatum (Afzel. ex Sw.) Schltr.





Cercestis afzelii Schott





Cercestis dinklagei Engl.





Cercestis ivorensis A.Chev.





Cercestis stigmaticus N.E.Br.





Culcasia barombensis N.E.Br.





Culcasia saxatilis A.Chev.





Culcasia scandens P.Beauv.





Culcasia seretii De Wild.





Elaphoglossum angulatum (Blume) T.Moore





Eulophia gracilis Lindl.





Eulophia horsfallii (Bateman) Summerh.





Lomariopsis guineensis (Underw.) Alston





Microsorum punctatum (L.) Copel.





Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Desv.


Strict / Accidental



Philodendron sp





Piper guineense Schumach. & Thonn.





Platycerium stemaria (P.Beauv.) Desv.





Rhaphidophora africana N.E.Br.





Vanilla crenulata Rolfe




Note: Mp: Mesophanerophytes; Lmp: Liana microphanerophytes; Ch: Chamaephytes; H: Hemicryptophytes; G: Geophytes; Rh: Rhizoids
Accidental epiphytes, Hemiepiphytes as well as strict epiphytes were observed during data collection. Hemiepiphytes present the highest proportion with 73 pc of plants observed in epiphytic life form. As for strict epiphytes, they represent 19 pc of the species observed. Finally, accidental epiphytes are the least represented and constitute 8 pc of the epiphytes collected. Considering the statuses of the epiphytes collected, Culcasia dinklagei, Culcasia scandens, Nephrolepis biserrata and Piper guineense are all of Least Concern and Microsorum punctatum is threatened with extinction according to IUCN (2020).
The maximum values of the diversity indices were recorded in the mountain forests, then the minimum values reported in the gallery forests (Table 3). However, these differences in floristic diversity values are not significantly different. As for the equidistributional of epiphytes in the different biotopes, significantly different values are recorded. Hydromorphic forests have the lowest values (0.74 ± 0.638) while the highest values (0.89 ± 0.42) are recorded in inselberg forests.
The gallery forests and mountain forests have strong similarities in their compositions with a coefficient of 56.3 pc of epiphytes collected. Then, secondary forests and hydromorphic forests show a floristic resemblance to gallery forests. Major floristic dissimilarities were also noted between various biotopes. The lowest values are observed between hydromorphic forests and secondary forests (Table 4).
Table 3. Mean Diversity Indexes for the Surveyed Environments.


Shannon index

Pielou's index

Mountain Forests



Secondary Forests



Hydromorphic Forests



Gallery forests



Note: In the same column, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level of the Newman-Keuls test.
Table 4. Similarity between the different biotopes investigated.

Mountain forests

Secondary forests

Hydromorphic forests

Forest galleries

Mountain forests


Secondary forests



Hydromorphic forests




Forest galleries





Legend: In bold coefficient of similarities greater than 50 pc
The epiphytes most observed in hydromorphic forests are Culcasia scandens and Piper guineense with 44 and 38 occurrences respectively. They are followed by Microsorum punctatum (16), Culcasia seretii (15) and Cercestis afzelii (7), with respectively 16, 15 and 7 occurrences collected in hydromorphic forests. In the mountain forests, only Culcasia saxatillis and Nephrolepis biserrata have occurrences of 7 and 6 individuals. The 14 other epiphytes observed have occurrences of less than 5. The epiphytic flora of the forest galleries is characterized by Microsorum punctatum with 23 individuals recorded, followed by Lomariopsis guieensis, Ancistrorhnchus capitatus and Cercestis afzelii. As for secondary forests, collections reported the presence of Nephrolepis biserrata, Cercestis afzelii and Piper guineense.
Three species present rarefaction index values below 50%. They are the most frequent and most abundantly encountered in the four biotopes studied. In order of importance, they are Microserum punctatum (31.25%), Cercestis afzelii (37.5%), and Piper guineense (48.75%). Six species are considered less abundant, with rarefaction index values between 50% and 80%. These are Culcasia saxatilis (56.25%), Culcasia scandens (56.25%), Lomariopsis guineensis (62.5%), Nephrolepis biserrata (68.75%), Platycerium stemaria (68.75%) and Ancistrorhynchus capitatus (75%). The rarest epiphytes have rarefaction indices greater than 80%. These include Arthropteris palisotii (81.25%), Cercestis dinklagei (81.25%), Rhaplidophora africana (81.75%), Calyptrochilum emarginatum (87.5%), Elaphoglossum angutatum (93.75%).
The influence of vegetation physiognomy was analyzed through multiple correspondence analysis. The graph in the Figure 2 shows the results relating to the presence data according to the appearance of the undergrowth and the canopy, in the different plant formations inventoried. The analysis of this figure highlights 3 epiphytic groups.
The first group is distinguished in secondary forests. These are habitats with open canopies. Incident radiation from the sun directly reaches the epiphytes. We mainly observe two groups of epiphytes. Accidental epiphytes such as Asplenium platyneuron, Ficus microcarpa, Ficus recurvata, Phyllanthus amarus and Solenangis scandens. There are also Hemiepiphytes such as Cercestis dinklagei, Nephrolepis biserrata, Phymatosorus scolopendria and Vanilla crenulata. Strict epiphytes are absent in these habitats.
The second group is observed in swamp forests. The vegetation is characterized by moderately closed undergrowth and canopies. Accidental epiphytes characteristic of these swamp forests are Berlinia occidentalis, Eulophia horsfallii, Ficus polita and Oleandra distenta. The Hemiepiphytes also observed are Culcasia angolensis, Culcasia scandens, Culcasia seretii, Epipremnum aureum, Microgramma lycopodioides, Philodendron sp., Piper guineense. The strict epiphytes present in these habitats are Epidendrum ciliare and Platycerium stemaria.
The third group of epiphytes is observed in mountain forests as well as in gallery forests. These habitats feature closed canopies with open undergrowth. Incident solar radiation does not reach the lower stratum. The accidental epiphytes present in these biotopes are Arisaema triphyllum and Eulophia gracilis. As for the Hemiepiphytes, they are Cercestis afzelii, Cercestis ivorensis, Cercestis stigmaticus, Culcasia saxatilis, Elaphoglossum angustatum, Lomariopsis guineensis and Rhaphidophora africana. Many strict epiphytes are present in these fully covering canopy habitats with open undergrowth. The 12 species observed in strict epiphytic life form are Ancistrorhynchus capitatus, Angraecum distichum, Antrophyum boryanum, Bulbophyllum fuscum, Bulbophyllum fuscum var. melinostachyum, Bulbophyllum occultum, Bulbophyllum purpureorhachis, Calyptrochilum emarginatum, Microsorum punctatum, Ophioglossum pendulum, Polystachya cultriformis and Trachoma papuanum.
Figure 2. Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) plot illustrating the distribution and abundance of epiphytic plants according to structural and environmental parameters.
4. Discussion
The compilation of floristic lists from the various inventories carried out made it possible to obtain a general list of 26 epiphytic species belonging to 10 families. This shows a good presence of epiphytic species in the four biotopes. Secondary forests and mountain forests have low values in terms of specific richness and the highest values are recorded in hydromorphic forests and gallery forests. This difference could be justified by favorable conditions in gallery forests and hydromorphic forests. These biotopes present microclimates favorable to the life of epiphytes. Lianescent microphanerophytes are the most observed in the epiphytic flora of the inventoried sites. This is linked to the fact that these microphanerophytes adapt more easily to life in epiphytic life form. These plants can tolerate harsh environmental conditions more easily . The diversity and floristic richness indices show good trends towards the conservation of the inventoried biotopes. Degraded habitats show strong tendencies towards reconstitution due to favorable environmental conditions.
In terms of occurrences, open-canopy biotopes are the least colonized by epiphytes. Next, come closed-canopy biotopes. Finally, biotopes with a moderately open canopy have the most occurrences of epiphytic flora. The distributions of epiphytes in these biotopes show characteristic relationships with microhabitats. It is the combined effect of dispersal as well as the resilience of certain epiphytic species to the ecological factors of the inventoried habitats . Some epiphytes are specific to microhabitats and others are generalists and colonize the inventoried microhabitats.
Heliophilous epiphytes are observed in secondary forests. These are pioneer epiphytes which colonize the best open ones. They are mainly accidental epiphytes. The dispersal organs of terrestrial plants are generally found on the tops of humus in the internodes of host plants. After germination, these dispersal organs give rise to ephemeral epiphytes such as Asplenium platyneuron, Ficus recurvata and Solenangis scandens observed in secondary forests. The low presence of epiphytes in these biotopes is linked to the poorly covering canopies .
Hydromorphic forests and gallery forests are the biotopes richest in epiphytes. This abundance is due to the availability of nutritional resources necessary for epiphytes. The work of Nadkarni shows that there is a positive correlation between the abundance of the original community and epiphyte colonization. The colonization of a biotope by epiphytes is a rapid process when water, humidity and nutrients are present.
5. Conclusion
The study of the current floristic diversity of the four biotopes made it possible to identify 26 epiphytic species distributed between 10 families. The most species-rich families are the Araceae. The most harvested species are Culcasia saxatilis, Cercestis afzelii Piper guineense and Microsorum punctatum. A similarity is observed in the composition of epiphytic species of gallery forests and inselberg forests. Mountain forests have great epiphytic diversity with low occurrences. Hydromorphic forests and gallery forests present average diversity with high occurrences. In secondary forests, qualitative and quantitative diversity is low. Overall, we observed good regeneration of the epiphytic flora of the investigated environments. The recolonization of biotopes degraded by epiphytes is also ensured by heliophiles as well as accidental epiphytes.


Angiosperm Phylogeny Group


Ivorian Office of Parks and Reserves


Correspondence Analysis


Multiple Correspondence Analysis

The authors would like to thank the Islamic Development Bank or funding the research. The authors are also grateful to the OIPR for its technical assistance and facilitation of the research.
Author Contributions
Gnagbo Anthelm: Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Methodology, Project administration, Software, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing
Egnankou Wadja Mathieu: Investigation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing
Pagny Frank Placide Junior: Writing – review & editing
Kouao Marthe Lydie: Investigation, Writing – review & editing
Yao Koffi Kan Anicet Carmel: Investigation, Writing – review & editing
Tiébré Marie-Solange: Writing – review & editing
Kouassi Kouadio Henri: Supervision, Writing – original draft
Adou Yao Constant Yves: Supervision, Validation
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Anthelme, G., Mathieu, E. W., Junior, P. F. P., Lydie, K. M., Carmel, Y. K. K. A., et al. (2024). Epiphytic Dynamics of the Adaptations to the Changes of Habitats in Taï National Park. American Journal of Life Sciences, 12(4), 65-72.

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    ACS Style

    Anthelme, G.; Mathieu, E. W.; Junior, P. F. P.; Lydie, K. M.; Carmel, Y. K. K. A., et al. Epiphytic Dynamics of the Adaptations to the Changes of Habitats in Taï National Park. Am. J. Life Sci. 2024, 12(4), 65-72. doi: 10.11648/j.ajls.20241204.11

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    AMA Style

    Anthelme G, Mathieu EW, Junior PFP, Lydie KM, Carmel YKKA, et al. Epiphytic Dynamics of the Adaptations to the Changes of Habitats in Taï National Park. Am J Life Sci. 2024;12(4):65-72. doi: 10.11648/j.ajls.20241204.11

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      url = {},
      eprint = {},
      abstract = {Anthropogenic pressures in the eastern zone of the Taï National Park have led to the fragmentation of plant formations. The forests in the eastern part of the park have suffered significant degradation of plant cover and a significant loss of biodiversity. Therefore, this study makes it possible to contribute to monitoring the dynamics of reconstitution of the plant cover based on the ecological characteristics and the distribution of epiphytes present in the Djapadji management sector. Floristic inventories were carried out. In the plots, all trees with a DBH ≥ 5 cm were counted and recorded for the study of the structure of plant formations, all species carrying an epiphyte were recorded and the epiphyte was identified. The analysis of the data presents a flora composed of 26 epiphytes distributed in 18 genera and 9 families, mainly present in mountain forests. The diversity of epiphytic plants is highest in mountain forests, followed by hydromorphic, secondary and gallery forests. Strict epiphytes and Hemiepiphytes are more present in the most preserved habitats, while accidental epiphytes are observed in reconstitution biotopes. The distribution of epiphytic plants allows us to affirm that the formerly anthropized forests of the Djapadji sector present a good dynamic of reconstitution.
     year = {2024}

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Epiphytic Dynamics of the Adaptations to the Changes of Habitats in Taï National Park
    AU  - Gnagbo Anthelme
    AU  - Egnankou Wadja Mathieu
    AU  - Pagny Frank Placide Junior
    AU  - Kouao Marthe Lydie
    AU  - Yao Koffi Kan Anicet Carmel
    AU  - Tiébré Marie-Solange
    AU  - Kouassi Kouadio Henri
    AU  - Adou Yao Constant Yves
    Y1  - 2024/07/15
    PY  - 2024
    N1  -
    DO  - 10.11648/j.ajls.20241204.11
    T2  - American Journal of Life Sciences
    JF  - American Journal of Life Sciences
    JO  - American Journal of Life Sciences
    SP  - 65
    EP  - 72
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2328-5737
    UR  -
    AB  - Anthropogenic pressures in the eastern zone of the Taï National Park have led to the fragmentation of plant formations. The forests in the eastern part of the park have suffered significant degradation of plant cover and a significant loss of biodiversity. Therefore, this study makes it possible to contribute to monitoring the dynamics of reconstitution of the plant cover based on the ecological characteristics and the distribution of epiphytes present in the Djapadji management sector. Floristic inventories were carried out. In the plots, all trees with a DBH ≥ 5 cm were counted and recorded for the study of the structure of plant formations, all species carrying an epiphyte were recorded and the epiphyte was identified. The analysis of the data presents a flora composed of 26 epiphytes distributed in 18 genera and 9 families, mainly present in mountain forests. The diversity of epiphytic plants is highest in mountain forests, followed by hydromorphic, secondary and gallery forests. Strict epiphytes and Hemiepiphytes are more present in the most preserved habitats, while accidental epiphytes are observed in reconstitution biotopes. The distribution of epiphytic plants allows us to affirm that the formerly anthropized forests of the Djapadji sector present a good dynamic of reconstitution.
    VL  - 12
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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