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Environmental Impacts of Geomaterials Exploitation in the Republic of Congo

Received: 18 March 2022     Accepted: 14 April 2022     Published: 7 May 2022
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Geomaterials are extracted everywhere in Congo, generally without environmental and social impact studies. The objective of this study was to assess their exploitation and the associated environmental consequences. Data were collected through interviews and field surveys. A total of 163 quarry sites (17% industrial and 83% artisanal) were studied, with an annual production of nearly 52 million tons. The activity is carried out either in the open air or in water. Three types of materials are exploited: soft (65%), hard (35%) and smooth (0.1%). The activity is mainly centered around urban agglomerations, and sand and gravel are the most prized geomaterials, regardless of the type of exploitation. The geomaterials exploited come either from primary rocks (granite and quartzite) or from the products of their dismantling (accumulations of gravel, sandstone, recent sands or laterites). The various mining processes use, from extraction to finishing, incoming flows in the form of consumable materials (oils, greases, tires, etc.), in the form of energy (fuel, electricity, etc.), and in the form of water, in the form of energy (hydrocarbons, engines or explosives), water and outflows in the form of solid (abandoned gravel heaps), atmospheric (dust, gas, vapors) and liquid (lubricants, fuels, water for washing materials) discharges that induce various pollutions that affect all the compartments of the environment (physical environment, biodiversity, health and human well-being). The impacts of artisanal mining are mostly medium and minor, with only 18% of major impacts, in contrast to industrial mining, which generates 55% of major impacts and appears to be the most degrading for the environment. Despite of the legislative and regulatory texts, the exploitation sites are abandoned without any rehabilitation, which impacts the environment for a long time. To impulse a sustainable management of the activity, proposals have been made.

Published in American Journal of Environmental Protection (Volume 11, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajep.20221103.11
Page(s) 47-61
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


Mining, Geomaterials, Impacts, Environment, Congo

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  • APA Style

    Noël Watha-Ndoudy, Claude Melaine Dipakama, Jean de Dieu Nzila, Victor Kimpouni, Dieudonné Louembé. (2022). Environmental Impacts of Geomaterials Exploitation in the Republic of Congo. American Journal of Environmental Protection, 11(3), 47-61. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajep.20221103.11

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    ACS Style

    Noël Watha-Ndoudy; Claude Melaine Dipakama; Jean de Dieu Nzila; Victor Kimpouni; Dieudonné Louembé. Environmental Impacts of Geomaterials Exploitation in the Republic of Congo. Am. J. Environ. Prot. 2022, 11(3), 47-61. doi: 10.11648/j.ajep.20221103.11

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    AMA Style

    Noël Watha-Ndoudy, Claude Melaine Dipakama, Jean de Dieu Nzila, Victor Kimpouni, Dieudonné Louembé. Environmental Impacts of Geomaterials Exploitation in the Republic of Congo. Am J Environ Prot. 2022;11(3):47-61. doi: 10.11648/j.ajep.20221103.11

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajep.20221103.11,
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      abstract = {Geomaterials are extracted everywhere in Congo, generally without environmental and social impact studies. The objective of this study was to assess their exploitation and the associated environmental consequences. Data were collected through interviews and field surveys. A total of 163 quarry sites (17% industrial and 83% artisanal) were studied, with an annual production of nearly 52 million tons. The activity is carried out either in the open air or in water. Three types of materials are exploited: soft (65%), hard (35%) and smooth (0.1%). The activity is mainly centered around urban agglomerations, and sand and gravel are the most prized geomaterials, regardless of the type of exploitation. The geomaterials exploited come either from primary rocks (granite and quartzite) or from the products of their dismantling (accumulations of gravel, sandstone, recent sands or laterites). The various mining processes use, from extraction to finishing, incoming flows in the form of consumable materials (oils, greases, tires, etc.), in the form of energy (fuel, electricity, etc.), and in the form of water, in the form of energy (hydrocarbons, engines or explosives), water and outflows in the form of solid (abandoned gravel heaps), atmospheric (dust, gas, vapors) and liquid (lubricants, fuels, water for washing materials) discharges that induce various pollutions that affect all the compartments of the environment (physical environment, biodiversity, health and human well-being). The impacts of artisanal mining are mostly medium and minor, with only 18% of major impacts, in contrast to industrial mining, which generates 55% of major impacts and appears to be the most degrading for the environment. Despite of the legislative and regulatory texts, the exploitation sites are abandoned without any rehabilitation, which impacts the environment for a long time. To impulse a sustainable management of the activity, proposals have been made.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Environmental Impacts of Geomaterials Exploitation in the Republic of Congo
    AU  - Noël Watha-Ndoudy
    AU  - Claude Melaine Dipakama
    AU  - Jean de Dieu Nzila
    AU  - Victor Kimpouni
    AU  - Dieudonné Louembé
    Y1  - 2022/05/07
    PY  - 2022
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajep.20221103.11
    DO  - 10.11648/j.ajep.20221103.11
    T2  - American Journal of Environmental Protection
    JF  - American Journal of Environmental Protection
    JO  - American Journal of Environmental Protection
    SP  - 47
    EP  - 61
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2328-5699
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajep.20221103.11
    AB  - Geomaterials are extracted everywhere in Congo, generally without environmental and social impact studies. The objective of this study was to assess their exploitation and the associated environmental consequences. Data were collected through interviews and field surveys. A total of 163 quarry sites (17% industrial and 83% artisanal) were studied, with an annual production of nearly 52 million tons. The activity is carried out either in the open air or in water. Three types of materials are exploited: soft (65%), hard (35%) and smooth (0.1%). The activity is mainly centered around urban agglomerations, and sand and gravel are the most prized geomaterials, regardless of the type of exploitation. The geomaterials exploited come either from primary rocks (granite and quartzite) or from the products of their dismantling (accumulations of gravel, sandstone, recent sands or laterites). The various mining processes use, from extraction to finishing, incoming flows in the form of consumable materials (oils, greases, tires, etc.), in the form of energy (fuel, electricity, etc.), and in the form of water, in the form of energy (hydrocarbons, engines or explosives), water and outflows in the form of solid (abandoned gravel heaps), atmospheric (dust, gas, vapors) and liquid (lubricants, fuels, water for washing materials) discharges that induce various pollutions that affect all the compartments of the environment (physical environment, biodiversity, health and human well-being). The impacts of artisanal mining are mostly medium and minor, with only 18% of major impacts, in contrast to industrial mining, which generates 55% of major impacts and appears to be the most degrading for the environment. Despite of the legislative and regulatory texts, the exploitation sites are abandoned without any rehabilitation, which impacts the environment for a long time. To impulse a sustainable management of the activity, proposals have been made.
    VL  - 11
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • National Institute of Forestry Research, Brazzaville, Congo

  • National Institute of Forestry Research, Brazzaville, Congo

  • National Institute of Forestry Research, Brazzaville, Congo

  • National Institute of Forestry Research, Brazzaville, Congo

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