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Farm Systems and Soil Fertility Management Methods in Relation to Crop Yield of Smallholders in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Received: 9 November 2024     Accepted: 20 January 2025     Published: 28 March 2025
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This study assesses the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of smallholder farmers and their farm management practices in Ekiti State, Nigeria, with a focus on agroforestry potential. A total of 150 respondents were sampled using multistage sampling procedure. The study revealed among others that the majority of the respondents were male (87.3%), the mean age of the respondents was 55 years. The majority of the respondents (84%) were married, 82.3% of the respondents had one form of education or the other. The majority of the respondents have manageable household size of five (7) persons that can assist on the farm. The result showed that the crops that are mainly grown by the smallholder farmers are cassava (86.7%), yam (76%) and maize (72%). 64.7% of the farmers are familiar with agroforestry practices, multipurpose trees on farmland is the most recognized practice (46%) The result showed that a significant majority (83.3%) of the respondents do not integrate any form of agroforestry practices on their farms. Barriers to adopting agroforestry practices recognized by the farmers include initial cost of implementing agroforestry practices (34%), lack of knowledge (25.3%) and lack of seedlings (16.7%). The findings revealed that 24.7% of the respondents believe that training and education support is necessary for adopting agroforestry, 46% of the respondents indicated that financial support is crucial for adopting agroforestry and 15.3% of respondents believe that access to seedlings is important for adopting agroforestry. This research provides insights into smallholder farm management and offers a foundation for designing tailored agroforestry interventions that can meet the needs of local farmers in Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Published in American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (Volume 13, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajaf.20251302.16
Page(s) 136-143
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group


Smallholder, Farming, Agroforestry, Farm Management and Crop Yield

1. Introduction
Smallholder farming is crucial for food security and livelihoods in developing regions, supporting over two billion people worldwide (IFAD, . However, smallholder farmers face significant challenges, including soil degradation, water scarcity, and limited access to markets FAO, . Agroforestry which means integrating trees into agricultural landscapes, offers promising solutions to these challenges. The deliberate integration of trees and shrubs into agricultural systems, or agroforestry, provides a sustainable solution to the problems Nigeria's smallholder farmers face. Numerous ecological, financial, and social advantages are offered by agroforestry systems, such as higher soil fertility, increased biodiversity, increased climate change resilience, and diverse revenue sources Nair, . Additionally, agroforestry can mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon Nair et al., and promote biodiversity (Bhagwat et al., . Despite these benefits, the adoption of agroforestry among smallholder farmers remains low due to various constraints, including limited knowledge, inadequate policies, and lack of institutional support (Garrity et al., . To address these challenges, it is essential to assess smallholder farm management practices and crop yields to design context-specific agroforestry interventions.
The broad objective of the study was to assess smallholder farm management and crop yield for the design of fit-for-purpose agroforestry intervention in Ondo state, Nigeria while the specific objectives were to:
1) describe the socioeconomic characteristics of smallholder farmers in Ondo state
2) evaluate the crop management practices in selected smallholder farms;
3) assess the yield of major crops in selected smallholder farms;
4) identify the constraints and challenges faced by smallholder farmers;
5) design agroforestry intervention model suitable for small holder farms
2. Methodology
The study was carried out in Ondo State. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used for this study. The first Stage involved a purposive selection of five (5) local government areas: Ikere, Moba, Ikole, Ado-Ekiti, and Ido-Osi. These areas were chosen due to their diverse vegetation and soil types, which are significant factors influencing agricultural practices and crop yields. The second Stage involved a stratified selection of (15) communities within the identified local government areas. This stratification was based on the characteristics of each community, such as agricultural practices, demographic composition, and existing farm management systems. Second stage consisted of a stratified selection of (15) communities within the identified local government areas. This stratification was based on the characteristics of each community, such as agricultural practices, demographic composition, and existing farm management systems. Third Stage involved a random selection of 10 respondents from each community which gave a total of (150) respondent. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
3. Results and Discussion
Socio-Economic Characteristics of the Respondents Table 1 reveals that the majority of the respondents (42.7%) are aged between 57 and 71 years, 34% are in the age group of 42 and 56 years, 14% are in the age group of 27and 41, and 9% are in the age group of 72 and 86. The average age of the respondents is 55 years which implies that the majority of the respondents were older farmers. A study by Oluwasusi and Tijani supports this, showing that older farmers tend to rely on traditional methods and are slower to adopt innovations like improved agroforestry technologies. Table 1 indicates that the majority of the respondents (87.3%) was male, married (84%) and had one form of education or the other (82.3%). This suggests that education plays a vital role in influencing smallholder farmers' ability to adopt improved agricultural technologies and manage farms effectively. About 99.3% of the respondents earned less than #25,000,000 million Naira in a year, while just 0.7% of the respondents earned above 75,000,0001 Naira annually. According to the world Poverty Clock, 2019 the World Bank classifies a person to be living in extreme poverty if he/she lives below the poverty line of 1.90 USD which translates to 693.5 Naira per day. The mean for the respondents’ annual income was 2,128,767 Naira. This implies that the respondents in the study areas were living above poverty line.
Table 1. Distribution of Socio-Economic Characteristics of Respondents. (n=150).

Socio-economic characteristics


Percentages (%)























Marital status













Educational level

No formal education



Primary education



Secondary education



Tertiary education




#50,000- #25,037,500




#25,037501- #50,025,000









Source: Field survey, 2024.
Farm Management Practices
The findings revealed that the crops mostly cultivated by smallholder farmers in the study area are cassava (86.7%), yam (76%), and maize (72%). The findings suggest that smallholder farmers may be overly reliant on a limited number of crops, which can lead to vulnerabilities in terms of food security and income. Studies indicate that agroforestry can lead to increased yields and improved soil health, which benefits crop productivity (Nair, . The findings revealed that majority (69.3%) of the respondents practice some form of crop rotation. This suggests that a significant majority of farmers recognize the benefits of crop rotation as a management practice. Larkin et al. found that crop rotation significantly reduced disease incidence and improved soil microbial communities, leading to increased crop yield. The study indicates that majority (77.3%) reported using no fertilizer in their farming practices, while a smaller percentage used fertilizers like NPK (8.7%), Force Up (7.3%), and Parae Force (6.7%). This finding suggests that a significant number of smallholder farmers may be relying on organic or traditional methods of farming rather than chemical inputs. Tittonell & Giller discuss the barriers that prevent African smallholder farmers from accessing inputs like fertilizers, which can lead to significant yield gaps. The survey indicates that the majority of the respondents (84.7%) do not use organic manure. This suggests that the use of organic inputs remains relatively low among smallholder farmers, despite the known benefits of organic manure in improving soil fertility, enhancing crop yields, and supporting sustainable agricultural practices. Sileshi et al. point out that organic inputs, including manure, play a crucial role in maintaining soil fertility in sub-Saharan Africa. In contrast, Tittonell & Giller argue that poverty and labour constraints can discourage the use of organic manure, as it is labour-intensive to produce and apply in large quantities. The data only 8.7% of the respondents reported using chicken dung, 11.3% use cow dung, and a mere 0.7% use cocoa pods, with the vast majority relying on other or no organic inputs for their farming practices. This finding suggests a low adoption rate of organic waste recycling in smallholder farming systems. Makinde et al. highlight that chicken manure is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, making it an excellent organic fertilizer for promoting plant growth and improving soil structure. In contrast, Mafongoya et al. argue that the adoption of organic manure in smallholder farming is influenced by several factors, including farmers' education, access to training, and the availability of organic materials. The result of the survey reveals that a majority (66.7%) of the respondents predominantly rely on chemical pesticides for pest and disease control, manual removal is practiced by 20.7% of the respondents, followed by 11.3% who use other methods, and a small fraction (1.3%) that employs biological control. This trend indicates a preference for chemical solutions over more sustainable and environmentally friendly pest control practices. The high reliance on chemical pesticides among farmers aligns with the findings of Haggblade et al. , who observed that chemical pesticide usage in smallholder farming is prevalent due to its immediate effectiveness in pest elimination. 51.3% of the respondents do not practice any form of soil conservation. According to Tenge et al. , the adoption of soil conservation measures in smallholder systems is often constrained by limited access to knowledge, resources, and training. 50.7% of the respondents were engaged in various techniques, including natural fertilizers (21.3%), conservation tillage (12.7%), cover cropping (10%), terracing (6%), and contour ploughing (0.7%). This distribution highlights a significant gap in the adoption of soil conservation techniques, which are critical for sustainable farming practices, particularly among smallholder farmers. According to Tenge et al. , the low adoption rate of these methods is often tied to socioeconomic barriers such as limited access to resources, lack of awareness, or education.
Crop Yield and Productivity
Table 2 reveals a low distribution of output across most of these categories. The table shows that 99.3% of the farmers produced tomato yields between 0-8,750 kg, with only 0.7% achieving yields in the range of 26,251-35,000 kg. The average yield of the tomato farmers is 338kg. For cocoa, 98% of the farmers produced between 0-2,500 kg, and only 0.7% achieved yields of 7,501-10,000 kg. The average yield of the respondents on cocoa production is 170kg. Both plantain and cocoyam have similarly low yields, with 90% of plantain farmers producing between 0-750 kg (x̄= 223kg) and 92.7% of cocoyam farmers in the same yield range (x̄= 113kg). Yam and cassava, which are staple crops in many regions, also show low yields. The table shows that 99.3% of yam farmers fall within the yield category of 0-25000kg (x̄= 1533kg) and 89.3% of cassava farmers fall within the lowest yield category of 0-800kg (x̄= 356kg). Most farmers producing okro and maize also report low yields, with 95.3% of okro farmers within the range of 0-131kg (x̄= 18kg) and 99.3% of maize farmers falling in the lowest yield category of 0-5000kg (x̄= 916kg). The table reveals similarly low productivity for rice, kolanut, and pepper, with 99.3% rice farmers are in the lowest yield category of 0-188kg (x̄= 6kg), 99.3% of kolanut farmers in 0-563kg (x̄= 17kg) and 99.3% of pepper farmers in 0-6250kg (x̄= 226kg) for these crops. Across all the crops, a clear pattern emerges that smallholder farmers struggle to achieve high yields, with the vast majority reporting low output. This aligns with studies that highlight the challenges smallholders face, including limited access to inputs, poor soil management, and a lack of mechanization. Pretty et al. argue that sustainable intensification, particularly through agroforestry, can play a key role in addressing these issues. Studies such as Piperno et al. argue that agroforestry practices, particularly the integration of nitrogen-fixing trees, can enhance soil fertility, improving the yield of root and tuber crops like plantain and cocoyam.
The survey reveals that majority (73.3%) of the respondents reported an increase in crop yields over the past five years, 12% experienced a decrease, and 14.7% stated that their yields remained the same. The increase in yield may align with studies that highlight the positive impact of agroforestry and sustainable farming practices on crop productivity. A study by Garrity et al. found that the integration of trees into farming systems can enhance soil fertility, reduce erosion, and improve water retention, all of which contribute to higher crop yields over time. The survey shows that soil fertility is perceived by 47.3% of the respondents as the main factor affecting crop yield, followed by weather conditions (27.3%), pest and diseases (12.7%), lack of input (8%), and other factors (4.7%). This finding is consistent with studies by Lal who highlight how nutrient-depleted soils lead to low productivity in smallholder farms, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the majority of land is farmed under rainfed conditions. The study shows that majority (62.7%) of the respondents do not have access to agricultural extension services. This significant lack of access to extension services is concerning, as these services play a crucial role in improving agricultural practices, particularly among smallholder farmers. Extension services provide information on soil fertility, crop rotation, pest management, and agroforestry, which are key components in enhancing farm sustainability (Anderson & Feder, Majority (62%) of the respondents never receive visits or advice from extension agents, while 5.3% receive monthly visits, 12.0% receive quarterly visits, and 20.7% receive annual visits. This indicates a major gap in the frequency of extension services, which can have a profound impact on farm productivity and the adoption of agroforestry interventions. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) , access to regular extension services is essential for smallholder farmers, as it helps in the dissemination of best practices, new technologies, and sustainable farming methods, including agroforestry (FAO, ).
Table 2. Distribution of crop yield and income of respondents. (n =150).

Crop yield (kg)


Percentages (%)


Tomato yield














Cocoa yield














Plantain yield (kg)














Cocoyam yield (kg)














Yam yield














Okro yield














Maize yield














Cassava yield














Rice yield














Kolanut yield














Pepper yield














Source: Field Survey, 2024.

Agroforestry Practices and Potential
The survey result reveals that majority (64.7%) of the respondents are familiar with agroforestry practices. This suggests a relatively high level of awareness, but also highlights the need for further efforts to educate the remaining 35.3% who lack familiarity with agroforestry. According to Mercer one of the key challenges in agroforestry adoption is the lack of awareness or misconceptions about its benefits, particularly among smallholder farmers.
The findings on agroforestry practices highlights that 46% of respondents are aware of the practice of growing multi-purpose trees on farmland, followed by 13.3% who know about alley cropping. A smaller percentage are familiar with practices like live fencing (3.3%), apiculture (0.7%), and silvopasture (1.3%). Notably, 35.3% of the respondents are not aware of any agroforestry practices. Studies by Ajayi et al. and Nair support the fact that trees contribute significantly to improving crop productivity and soil health, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, integrating apiculture and silvopasture into agroforestry can provide multiple benefits, including pollination services and improved livestock grazing while preserving forested areas. The study shows that majority (83.3%) of the respondents do not currently practice any form of agroforestry practices. As noted in a previous survey, a significant portion of the respondents were not familiar with agroforestry practices. Ajayi et al. suggest that inadequate extension services and poor access to information are major barriers to agroforestry adoption, particularly in rural communities. 84.7% of the respondents do not practice any form of agroforestry, while a smaller portion adopts specific practices such as multi-purpose trees on farmland (8.7%), alley cropping (4%), and live fencing (2.7%). This aligns with findings from Ajayi et al. and Tittonell and Giller , which noted that many farmers remain hesitant to adopt agroforestry due to factors such as inadequate knowledge, financial constraints, and limited access to extension services. Franzel et al. suggested that the initial time and financial investments required to establish agroforestry systems might deter farmers, especially those with limited resources or immediate financial pressures. 78% of the respondents are willing to adopt agroforestry practices if they are demonstrated to improve crop yield and farm sustainability. Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory explains that farmers are more likely to adopt new technologies if they perceive a clear relative advantage, such as improved crop yields or farm sustainability. Ajayi et al. observed that smallholder farmers are more likely to adopt agroforestry when it directly improves their economic situation, such as increasing yields or providing alternative sources of income. The adoption rates of different trees species vary significantly according to the findings, with Teak (53.3%) and Gmelina (48.7%) being the most commonly adopted species, while other trees like Rubber tree (0.7%), Moringa (0.7%), and Gliricidia sepium (1.3%) are adopted at much lower rates. This variation indicates a clear preference for certain species, likely due to their perceived economic or environmental benefits. This finding is consistent with the study by Franzel et al. , which showed that smallholder farmers in Kenya adopted trees like Teak and Gmelina due to their commercial potential. The most significant challenge of the respondents in adopting agroforestry practices as revealed by the study is initial cost of implementation (34%), followed by lack of knowledge or training (25.3%). Other challenges include lack of seedlings or planting materials (16.7%) and various unspecified factors (24%). Mercer notes that the costs associated with establishing agroforestry systems are a critical factor limiting their adoption among smallholder farmers. In contrast, Pagiola et al. and Garrity et al. argued that the long gestation period before trees start providing economic benefits is a key reason why many farmers are hesitant to adopt agroforestry despite its long-term sustainability benefits. Financial support is the most critical form of assistance required by smallholder farmers to adopt agroforestry practices, with 46% of respondents indicating this need. Training and education follow, being necessary for 24.7% of respondents, while access to seedlings or planting materials is required by 15.3%. According to Pagiola et al. and Oerke et al. , one of the main challenges faced by smallholder farmers is the lack of liquidity to invest in long-term agricultural practices like agroforestry. Mercer also highlights that financial incentives, such as payments for environmental services, can encourage smallholder farmers to adopt agroforestry by offsetting these initial costs. Ajayi et al. highlight that smallholder farmers often lack the technical knowledge to successfully implement agroforestry systems, which may result in poor tree growth or failure to integrate trees effectively into their cropping systems.
Fertility Management Distribution of the Respondents
Weeding is the most commonly adopted fertility management practice among smallholder farmers, with majority (52.7%) of the respondents utilizing this method. Mulching is the second most common practice, used by 16.7% of the respondents, followed by crop rotation (15.3%), and irrigation (12.7%). Interestingly, fertilizer application is practiced by only 2% of respondents, while erosion breaks are adopted by 0.7%. Research supports this finding that smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and other developing regions often rely on manual weeding as a cost-effective method of soil fertility management, especially in the absence of access to modern inputs such as herbicides and fertilizers (Oerke et al., . However, while weeding is effective in the short term, it is labour-intensive and may not be sufficient for long-term fertility improvement. Studies like those by Blanco-Canqui & Lal suggest that relying solely on weeding may limit the potential for improving soil organic matter and overall soil fertility, which could be better supported by practices such as mulching, crop rotation, or agroforestry systems.


International Fund for Agricultural Development


Food and Agriculture Organization


Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium.




Tertiary Education Trust Fund

The authors acknowledge the funding received from the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) through the 2023 National Research Fund (NRF) grant for this project (TETF/ES/DR & DCE/NRF2023/SETI/AFS/00119. We are deeply appreciative of their dedication to fostering educational excellence and innovation. The Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria is also appreciated for providing conducive environment and facility support.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Banji, O. M., Itunnu, W. F., Jonathan, A. A., Ejiola, M. T., Bello, S. S., et al. (2025). Farm Systems and Soil Fertility Management Methods in Relation to Crop Yield of Smallholders in Ekiti State, Nigeria. American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 13(2), 136-143.

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    ACS Style

    Banji, O. M.; Itunnu, W. F.; Jonathan, A. A.; Ejiola, M. T.; Bello, S. S., et al. Farm Systems and Soil Fertility Management Methods in Relation to Crop Yield of Smallholders in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Am. J. Agric. For. 2025, 13(2), 136-143. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaf.20251302.16

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    AMA Style

    Banji OM, Itunnu WF, Jonathan AA, Ejiola MT, Bello SS, et al. Farm Systems and Soil Fertility Management Methods in Relation to Crop Yield of Smallholders in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Am J Agric For. 2025;13(2):136-143. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaf.20251302.16

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajaf.20251302.16,
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      title = {Farm Systems and Soil Fertility Management Methods in Relation to Crop Yield of Smallholders in Ekiti State, Nigeria},
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    T1  - Farm Systems and Soil Fertility Management Methods in Relation to Crop Yield of Smallholders in Ekiti State, Nigeria
    AU  - Oyun Matthew Banji
    AU  - Wole-Alo Felicia Itunnu
    AU  - Adeyemo Adebayo Jonathan
    AU  - Mafimisebi Taiwo Ejiola
    AU  - Shamaki Sanusi Bello
    AU  - Ayeni Modupe Janet
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    AB  - This study assesses the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of smallholder farmers and their farm management practices in Ekiti State, Nigeria, with a focus on agroforestry potential. A total of 150 respondents were sampled using multistage sampling procedure. The study revealed among others that the majority of the respondents were male (87.3%), the mean age of the respondents was 55 years. The majority of the respondents (84%) were married, 82.3% of the respondents had one form of education or the other. The majority of the respondents have manageable household size of five (7) persons that can assist on the farm. The result showed that the crops that are mainly grown by the smallholder farmers are cassava (86.7%), yam (76%) and maize (72%). 64.7% of the farmers are familiar with agroforestry practices, multipurpose trees on farmland is the most recognized practice (46%) The result showed that a significant majority (83.3%) of the respondents do not integrate any form of agroforestry practices on their farms. Barriers to adopting agroforestry practices recognized by the farmers include initial cost of implementing agroforestry practices (34%), lack of knowledge (25.3%) and lack of seedlings (16.7%). The findings revealed that 24.7% of the respondents believe that training and education support is necessary for adopting agroforestry, 46% of the respondents indicated that financial support is crucial for adopting agroforestry and 15.3% of respondents believe that access to seedlings is important for adopting agroforestry. This research provides insights into smallholder farm management and offers a foundation for designing tailored agroforestry interventions that can meet the needs of local farmers in Ekiti State, Nigeria.
    VL  - 13
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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