Two consecutive experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of alley cropping practices on the productivity of cauliflower during the winter season of 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. An eleven-year-old G. sepium-established alley cropping field was used as the experimental site located in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh. The experiments were done using a split-plot design. Three alley widths of G. sepium viz. W3.0, W4.5, and W6.0 (3.0 m, 4.5 m, and 6.0 m) comprised factor A, the main plot factor. Within each main plot, five nitrogen (N) doses namely N0, N25, N50, N75, and N100 contributed the five levels of factor B (sub-plot factor) each replicated thrice. Control plots received allied N doses without pruned biomass to facilitate comparison with the alley cropping. The data from the two seasons on cauliflower were subjected to pooled analysis using R-statistics. Results revealed that, growth and yield attributes of cauliflower thrived in all the alley cropping plots compared to control (absence of tree), and increased along with the increase in applied N. Further, we assessed what combinations of alley width and N level provide the highest yield and found that, W6.0×N100 treatment combination yielded the highest cauliflower yield (33.55 t ha‒1) which was statistically equivalent to the yields of W6.0×N75 and W6.0×N50 combinations. It was also observed that all the alley cropped plots given higher economic benefit compared to control, specifically with the first three highest Benefit-to-Cost Ratios (BCRs) calculated in W6.0×N100 (3.27), W6.0×N50 (3.23), and in W6.0×N75 (3.21) treatment combinations. The outcome suggests that using pruned materials can be a viable alternative to enhance crop productivity, profitability and reduce the reliance on nitrogenous fertilizer.
Published in | American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (Volume 13, Issue 1) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.ajaf.20251301.15 |
Page(s) | 38-48 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Alley Cropping, Benefit Cost Ratio, Cauliflower, Gliricidia sepium, Pruned Biomass
Alley width | Fresh biomass (t ha‒1) | |
2016-2017 | 2017-2018 | |
3.0 m | 12.55 | 11.95 |
4.5 m | 8.66 | 8.19 |
6.0 m | 6.65 | 6.09 |
Treatment combinations | Curd diameter (cm) | Curd length (cm) | Marketable curd weight (Kg) | Yield (t ha‒1) |
W3.0×N0 | 21.40cd | 10.70de | 1.64bc | 26.26f |
W3.0×N25 | 22.33bc | 11.17bcd | 1.71abc | 27.30ef |
W3.0×N50 | 23.33ab | 11.67abc | 1.85a | 29.60cde |
W3.0×N75 | 23.60a | 11.80a | 1.76ab | 28.20c-f |
W3.0×N100 | 24.11a | 12.06a | 1.85a | 29.62cde |
W4.5×N0 | 20.83d | 10.42ef | 1.55c | 27.57def |
W4.5×N25 | 22.26bc | 11.13cd | 1.73abc | 30.71abc |
W4.5×N50 | 23.33ab | 11.67abc | 1.69abc | 30.05b-e |
W4.5×N75 | 23.60a | 11.80a | 1.72abc | 30.52a-d |
W4.5×N100 | 24.00a | 12.00a | 1.73abc | 30.81abc |
W6.0×N0 | 20.73d | 10.37ef | 1.55c | 28.93c-f |
W6.0×N25 | 22.26bc | 11.13cd | 1.63bc | 30.51a-d |
W6.0×N50 | 23.40ab | 11.70ab | 1.75ab | 32.74ab |
W6.0×N75 | 23.66a | 11.83a | 1.75ab | 32.73ab |
W6.0×N100 | 24.06a | 12.03a | 1.80ab | 33.55a |
Control×N0 | 8.47f | 8.47i | 0.70d | 11.12g |
Control×N25 | 8.97ef | 8.97hi | 0.73d | 11.74g |
Control×N50 | 9.47ef | 9.47gh | 0.79d | 12.72g |
Control×N75 | 9.64ef | 9.64g | 0.80d | 12.85g |
Control×N100 | 9.92e | 9.92fg | 0.80d | 12.85g |
CV (%) | 3.91 | 3.64 | 4.03 | 6.29 |
Treatment combinations | Cost of production (Tk ha‒1) | Gross return (Tk ha‒1) | Net return (Tk ha‒1) | Benefit Cost Ratio |
W3.0×N0 | 200,000 | 525,200 | 325,200 | 2.63 |
W3.0×N25 | 201,250 | 546,000 | 344,750 | 2.71 |
W3.0×N50 | 202,500 | 592,000 | 389,500 | 2.92 |
W3.0×N75 | 203,750 | 564,000 | 360,250 | 2.77 |
W3.0×N100 | 205,000 | 592,400 | 387,400 | 2.89 |
W4.5×N0 | 200,000 | 551,400 | 351,400 | 2.76 |
W4.5×N25 | 201,250 | 614,200 | 412,950 | 3.05 |
W4.5×N50 | 202,500 | 601,000 | 398,500 | 2.97 |
W4.5×N75 | 203,750 | 610,400 | 406,650 | 2.99 |
W4.5×N100 | 205,000 | 616,200 | 411,200 | 3.01 |
W6.0×N0 | 200,000 | 578,600 | 378,600 | 2.89 |
W6.0×N25 | 201,250 | 610,200 | 408,950 | 3.03 |
W6.0×N50 | 202,500 | 654,800 | 452,300 | 3.23 |
W6.0×N75 | 203,750 | 654,600 | 450,850 | 3.21 |
W6.0×N100 | 205,000 | 671,000 | 466,000 | 3.27 |
Control×N0 | 200,000 | 222,400 | 22,400 | 1.11 |
Control×N25 | 201,250 | 234,800 | 33,550 | 1.17 |
Control×N50 | 202,500 | 254,400 | 51,900 | 1.26 |
Control×N75 | 203,750 | 257,000 | 53,250 | 1.26 |
Control×N100 | 205,000 | 257,000 | 52,000 | 1.25 |
BCR | Benefit-to-Cost Ratios |
OM | Organic Matter |
mm | Millimeter |
cm | Centimeter |
t ha‒1 | Ton per Hectare |
N | Nitrogen |
Kg ha–1 | Kilogram per Hectare |
TSP | Triple Superphosphate |
MoP | Muriate of Potash |
DAT | Days After Transplanting |
PM | Pruned Materials |
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APA Style
Alam, A. S. M. J., Saha, S. R., Suhag, M., Miah, M. G., Rahman, M. M., et al. (2025). Supplementary Biomass Addition Enhances the Crop Productivity: Evidence from a Gliricidia sepium - Based Alley Cropping Practices in Gazipur District of Bangladesh. American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 13(1), 38-48.
ACS Style
Alam, A. S. M. J.; Saha, S. R.; Suhag, M.; Miah, M. G.; Rahman, M. M., et al. Supplementary Biomass Addition Enhances the Crop Productivity: Evidence from a Gliricidia sepium - Based Alley Cropping Practices in Gazipur District of Bangladesh. Am. J. Agric. For. 2025, 13(1), 38-48. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaf.20251301.15
AMA Style
Alam ASMJ, Saha SR, Suhag M, Miah MG, Rahman MM, et al. Supplementary Biomass Addition Enhances the Crop Productivity: Evidence from a Gliricidia sepium - Based Alley Cropping Practices in Gazipur District of Bangladesh. Am J Agric For. 2025;13(1):38-48. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaf.20251301.15
@article{10.11648/j.ajaf.20251301.15, author = {Abu Syed Md. Jobaydul Alam and Satya Ranjan Saha and Md. Suhag and Md. Giashuddin Miah and Md. Mizanur Rahman and Md. Rafiqul Islam and Zabid Al Riyadh and Apple Mahmud}, title = {Supplementary Biomass Addition Enhances the Crop Productivity: Evidence from a Gliricidia sepium - Based Alley Cropping Practices in Gazipur District of Bangladesh }, journal = {American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {38-48}, doi = {10.11648/j.ajaf.20251301.15}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {Two consecutive experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of alley cropping practices on the productivity of cauliflower during the winter season of 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. An eleven-year-old G. sepium-established alley cropping field was used as the experimental site located in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh. The experiments were done using a split-plot design. Three alley widths of G. sepium viz. W3.0, W4.5, and W6.0 (3.0 m, 4.5 m, and 6.0 m) comprised factor A, the main plot factor. Within each main plot, five nitrogen (N) doses namely N0, N25, N50, N75, and N100 contributed the five levels of factor B (sub-plot factor) each replicated thrice. Control plots received allied N doses without pruned biomass to facilitate comparison with the alley cropping. The data from the two seasons on cauliflower were subjected to pooled analysis using R-statistics. Results revealed that, growth and yield attributes of cauliflower thrived in all the alley cropping plots compared to control (absence of tree), and increased along with the increase in applied N. Further, we assessed what combinations of alley width and N level provide the highest yield and found that, W6.0×N100 treatment combination yielded the highest cauliflower yield (33.55 t ha‒1) which was statistically equivalent to the yields of W6.0×N75 and W6.0×N50 combinations. It was also observed that all the alley cropped plots given higher economic benefit compared to control, specifically with the first three highest Benefit-to-Cost Ratios (BCRs) calculated in W6.0×N100 (3.27), W6.0×N50 (3.23), and in W6.0×N75 (3.21) treatment combinations. The outcome suggests that using pruned materials can be a viable alternative to enhance crop productivity, profitability and reduce the reliance on nitrogenous fertilizer. }, year = {2025} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Supplementary Biomass Addition Enhances the Crop Productivity: Evidence from a Gliricidia sepium - Based Alley Cropping Practices in Gazipur District of Bangladesh AU - Abu Syed Md. Jobaydul Alam AU - Satya Ranjan Saha AU - Md. Suhag AU - Md. Giashuddin Miah AU - Md. Mizanur Rahman AU - Md. Rafiqul Islam AU - Zabid Al Riyadh AU - Apple Mahmud Y1 - 2025/02/20 PY - 2025 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.ajaf.20251301.15 T2 - American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry JF - American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry JO - American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry SP - 38 EP - 48 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2330-8591 UR - AB - Two consecutive experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of alley cropping practices on the productivity of cauliflower during the winter season of 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. An eleven-year-old G. sepium-established alley cropping field was used as the experimental site located in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh. The experiments were done using a split-plot design. Three alley widths of G. sepium viz. W3.0, W4.5, and W6.0 (3.0 m, 4.5 m, and 6.0 m) comprised factor A, the main plot factor. Within each main plot, five nitrogen (N) doses namely N0, N25, N50, N75, and N100 contributed the five levels of factor B (sub-plot factor) each replicated thrice. Control plots received allied N doses without pruned biomass to facilitate comparison with the alley cropping. The data from the two seasons on cauliflower were subjected to pooled analysis using R-statistics. Results revealed that, growth and yield attributes of cauliflower thrived in all the alley cropping plots compared to control (absence of tree), and increased along with the increase in applied N. Further, we assessed what combinations of alley width and N level provide the highest yield and found that, W6.0×N100 treatment combination yielded the highest cauliflower yield (33.55 t ha‒1) which was statistically equivalent to the yields of W6.0×N75 and W6.0×N50 combinations. It was also observed that all the alley cropped plots given higher economic benefit compared to control, specifically with the first three highest Benefit-to-Cost Ratios (BCRs) calculated in W6.0×N100 (3.27), W6.0×N50 (3.23), and in W6.0×N75 (3.21) treatment combinations. The outcome suggests that using pruned materials can be a viable alternative to enhance crop productivity, profitability and reduce the reliance on nitrogenous fertilizer. VL - 13 IS - 1 ER -