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An Analytical Model for Cosmology with a Single Input, the Redshift

Received: 1 June 2024     Accepted: 25 June 2024     Published: 8 July 2024
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We propose an analytical model for cosmology which requires only one parameter as an input. This parameter is the redshift. The model is based on conservation of energy, Planck’s Radiation Law, and the relation between energy and frequency of waves. The model yields the current age of the universe, the age of the universe at the CMB emission, as well as the time histories of its expansion velocity and acceleration. The model also is used to show the existence of a constant energy per unit area, associated with the momentum energy of photons, which generates the pressure that perpetuates the expansion of the universe. The model is completely independent of the ɅCDM model but implicitly includes the effects of gravity. Using the model we show the existence of a constant in nature that under certain assumptions can represent the Hubble constant. We have used the model to derive the Hubble constants measured by Reiss et al. and by the Planck Collaboration. Using the model we show that the path of light in the Planck collaboration measurement is along a circular arc, while the Reiss et al. measurement path is exactly along the chord of the same circular arc. The difference in the light travel times along these two paths matches exactly the difference between the two measured values for the Hubble constant, as measured by Reiss et al. and as measured by the Planck Collaboration. This result explains the cause of tension between the two methods of measurement.

Published in American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Volume 11, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajaa.20241102.12
Page(s) 51-64
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Cosmology: Theory, Galaxies: High-Redshift, Galaxies: Distances and Redshift

1. Introduction
The only observable and measurable parameter in observational cosmology is the redshift. But the current ΛCDM cosmological model, involves, besides the measured redshift, z, additional derived parameters, such as the Hubble constant, H0, and the density parameter, Ωm. Reiss et al. , using the cosmic distance ladder approach, have reported values for the Hubble constant of the order of H0=73.2±1.3 km s-1Mpc-1. But the Planck Collaboration ΛCDM fit to the Planck observations, using CMB temperature fluctuations power spectra, has reported values of the order of H0=67.4±0.5 km s-1Mpc-1, Aghanim et al. . There are significant differences in these reported values of H0. However, in spite of continuing investigations, Di Valentino, et al. , Abbott, et al. , Schombert, et al. , Freedman, et al. , Huang, et al. , Bull, et al. , and improvements in the measurement methodology and precision, it has not been possible to explain the cause of the tension in the measurements of H0 via the standard ΛCDM model. The Boylan-Kolchin and Weisz investigation also shows that in the modified model, Early Dark Energy (EDE), the redshift-time relation is in tension with that of ΛCDM. Also the ΛCDM model suffers from the elusive nature of its Cold Dark Matter (CDM). Multiple ground based searches for a Weakly Interactive Massive Particle (WIMP) have found no convincing evidence of dark matter, Jakobsen, et al. , Roszkowski, et al. . Also there are stars and other celestial bodies whose redshift, based on the Planck cosmology, suggests their formation before the era of reionization, Schlaufman, et al. , Hill, et al. . As there has been no satisfactory resolution of the tension, there are discussions of needs for possibly new physics, Abdalla, et al. , Greene and Perlmutter , Freedman , Pasten, et al . The new James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) with its Near-Infrared Spectrograph provides opportunities for detection and characterization of high redshift early galaxies which can provide constraints and be used to test the predictions and reliability of various models, Robertson, et al. , Curtis-Lake, et al. , Brinchmann .
Boylan-Kolchin and Weisz consider the discrepancy in the reported values of H0 to be due to issues of precision and accuracy and the possibility of incompleteness of the ΛCDM model. Consistent values for quantities such as the age of the universe, the age of the universe at CMB emission, and the relation between redshift and look-back-time are necessary for understanding the conditions of formations of early galaxies and other structures. The standard ΛCDM model has been successful in addressing many cosmological problems. However, the persistence of the Hubble tension and the elusiveness of dark matter/energy have given rise to major issues. Here we present a model that is totally independent of the ΛCDM model. It involves neither the Hubble constant nor dark matter/energy. There is no derived parameter in this model; the only necessary input to the model is the redshift, whether measured or assumed. The model is based on the conservation of energy and the assumption of isotropy. It implicitly includes the effects of gravity, as described by General Relativity. The model yields the relationship between redshift and the look-back-time, and it predicts the age of the early dark universe when waves start to be emitted, the age of the visible universe, the age of the universe at the CMB emission, and the maximum range of visibility in the future. It also yields the variations of the expansion velocity and expansion acceleration with look-back-time. In addition the model predicts that it is a constant surface energy density equal to ρA=5.95472×1019 j. m-2 that perpetuates the expansion of the universe. Finally the model is used to evaluate the Hubble constant, H0, and show the cause of tension in its measurements.
The evaluations of the energy of radiated photons and the energy of emitted waves are discussed in sections 2 and 3. Age evaluation, relation between look-back-time and redshift, and the model’s predictions are presented in sections 4, 5 and 6. Consistency of the model’s predictions with observational data, the cause of tension in the measurements of the Hubble constant, together with summary and conclusions are presented in sections 7, 8 and 9.
2. Evaluation of Total Energy of Scattered Photons Using Planck’s Radiation Law
Almost all our knowledge about the cosmos is based on the properties of light rays encapsulated in the measured or assumed value of redshift. To use the conservation of energy law, we will first use Planck’s radiation law to calculate the total energy radiated as photons from the surface of last scattering. Spectral radiance represents power per steradian per cubic meter. It is defined by Planck’s Law, Goldin , Kramm and Molders as
where c is the speed of light, h=6.62607× 10-34 J K-1 is the Planck constant, k is the Boltzmann constant, T represents the temperature at the recombination era, and λ represents the wavelength. Integrating the spectral radiance as defined in equation (1) over the wavelength from λ=λP to various values of λ from λ=10-3 m to λ=1010 m shows that the value of U does not change, and it is given by
In the above relation the wavelength, λP, is represented by the Planck length, that is, λP=1.61623×10-35 m, and U represents power per steradian per unit area of the surface of last scattering. Equation (2) shows that the calculated value for U is essentially a constant. To calculate the total energy emitted by the released photons, we need to calculate the total area of the surface of last scattering.
According to the cosmological redshift paradigm, Simionato , the expansion of space increases the distance among the celestial bodies. As a result of the cosmic expansion, the light waves are stretched. The ratio of the emitted wave length, λemi, and the observed wave length, λobs, is expressed by
λobsλemi=R(tobs)R(temi)=1+z=tobstemi= tobs temi,(3)
where c represents the speed of light and R represents the scale factor. Let temi represent the time when electromagnetic waves start to be emitted. Due to the expansion of the universe the wave lengths of these waves stretch by the factor (1+zs ) as they reach to the surface of last scattering. The surface of last scattering at which the photons are released is associated with the universe having cooled down, due to its expansion, to a temperature of about 3000 K, corresponding to the redshift zs= zCMB1090 associated with the surface of last scattering Fixsen . As the result of the expansion, the radius of the surface of last scattering, rs is given by
rs=1+zs temi=c tobs.(4)
Equation (4) is for a specific value of z=zs=1090. For values of redshift 0zzs and >temi, equation (4) is replaced by
r=1+ztemi=c t,(5)
The above relation implies that during any time interval space expands by the factor 1+z, where z represents the redshift. Considering equations (2) and (4), the total energy, E1, released at the surface of last scattering by the photons at the redshift z=zs=1090 is given by
E1=Uλ,T 4π rs2 π temi=Uλ,T 4π2c21+zs2 temi3.(6)
3. Evaluation of the Total Energy of Emitted Waves
We calculate the total input energy using Planck’s relation between energy and frequency of the waves. The total input energy is supplied by the energy of the waves emitted at the “big bang.” To calculate the input energy, we assume that the shortest wavelength, λe, of waves emitted at the “big bang” is equal to the Planck length, that is λe= λP=1.61623×10-35 m. Thus the corresponding “observed” wavelength, λo, is given by
λo=(1+zs) λe=(1+zs) λP.(7)
The number of “observed” waves, no, and the number of emitted waves, ne, are calculated as follows:
no=c t02  λo= tobs2 (1+zs) λP,(8)
ne=c tobs2  λP(9)
and the wavelength of the nth wave is defined by
λn=c tobsn,(10)
which yields the period of the nth wave, pn, as
pn=λnc= tobsn,(11)
where tobs represents the temporal radius of the surface of last scattering. Considering each wave to be associated with an oscillator, according to Planck, each oscillator can absorb or emit a quantum of energy given by
En=hpn=n h tobs.(12)
Thus the total energy emitted by all these oscillators is given by
E2=noneEn=nonen h tobs= h tobs nonen= h tobs  tobs2 (1+zs) λPc tobs2  λPn.(13)
4. Age Evaluations
In this section we present the details of the evaluation of the age of the early dark universe, the age of the universe at the CMB emission as evaluated at the present time, the age of the visible universe at the present time, and the maximum range of visibility in the future.
4.1. Evaluation of the Age of the Visible Universe at the Present Time
At the time t= tobs and z=zs=1090, considering the principle of conservation of energy, we equate the total output energy, E1, from equation (6) to the total input energy, E2, from equation (13). This equality of total input and total output energies yields the following cubic equation for temi.
Uλ,T 4π2c21+zs2 temi3= h tobs  tobs2 (1+zs) λPc tobs2  λPn.(14)
The above cubic equation has three roots with the same magnitudes. The magnitude of the root is given by
temi= h tobs  tobs2 (1+zs) λPc tobs2  λPnUλ,T 4π2c21+zs21/3.(15)
This equation involves two unknowns: the time temi, and the time tobs. But, based on equation (4),
 tobs=1+zs2 temi.(16)
The 12 factor in the above equation accounts for the fact that the redshift zs is associated with space, but the flow of time is isotropic. Now substitution for temi from equation (15) into the above equation yields.
 tobs=1+zs2 h tobs  tobs2 (1+zs) λPc tobs2  λPnUλ,T 4π2c21+zs21/3.(17)
The only unknown in this equation is tobs. The solution of the above equation yields the value of  tobs as
 tobs=8.65555×1014 s=2.74278×107y.(18)
tobs in the above equation represents the temporal radius of the surface of last scattering. Substitution of tobs from the above equation back into equation (15) yields the value of the time temi as
temi= h tobs  tobs2 (1+zs) λPc tobs2  λPnUλ,T 4π2c21+zs21/3=  tobs1+zs/2=50280.1 y. (19)
It should be noted that this age is associated with the time when the waves start to be emitted. The time temi can be considered to be the temporal radius of the early dark universe. The emitted waves are “observed” at the time tobs, as given by equation (18). Between the time temi and tobs the universe is still dark. The time tobs is when the photons are released, that is, when they become transparent. This time is associated with the universe having cooled down to a temperature of about 3000 K, corresponding to the redshift z=zs= zCMB1090.
To calculate the age of the universe at the present time, we note that during the time interval from the big bang till the time tobs, given in equation (18), due to the expansion of space, the temporal radius of the universe has increased by the factor 1+zs2. Therefore, using equations (17) and (18), the present age of the visible universe, t0, is given by
t0=1+zs2tobs=1+zs28.65555×1014 s=4.7216×1017 s=14.96185 Gy.(20)
Substitution of  t0=14.96185 Gy for  tobs in equation (15) yields the age of the CMB emission, evaluated at the present time when the universe has cooled down to a temperature of T0=2.752799 K, as
 tCMB= 1y h t0  t02 (1+zs) λP t02  λP nUλ,T 4π2c21+zs21/3=410,828.598693 y. (21)
Using the following Schwarzschild relation , one obtains  tCMB as
 tCMB=t01+(1+zs)3/2=14.961853 Gy1+(1+1090)3/2 =415,180 y(22)
which differs by less than 1.1% from the value given by equation (21).
For values of redshift 0zzs, we find the relation between the time and redshift via equations (5) and (17). In light of equation (5), we replace the redshift term zs by z in equation (17). Note that the constant term 1+zs2 does not change. Also, we replace the term tobs on the right hand side of equation (17) by the present time age of the visible universe, t0. This process yields the relation between the cosmic time, t̅c, and the redshift as
t̅c=1+zs2 ht0 t02 (1+z) λPt02  λPnUλ,T 4π2c21+z21/3.(23)
A plot of the above equation for 0z20 is presented in figure 1.
Figure 1. Variations of the Cosmic Time with Redshift.
The maximum value of the cosmic time in this figure appears to match the present-time value of the age of the visible universe as given by equation (20). However, the position of the maximum is away from z=0 by an unknown amount, z0. We find the value of z0 through differentiating equation (23) with respect to z and setting the resulting derivative equal to zero. This process yields
z0=2.0- 1.0.(24)
The maximum value of the cosmic age of the observable universe should occur at redshift equal to zero. Its shift from z=0 to z0=2.0-1.0, is due to an increased number of waves that should be included in the expression for the input energy. Replacing the redshift, z, in the numerator of equation (23) by z=z+z0 increases the number of the waves and transforms equation (23). As the result of this transformation the cosmic time, tc, is given by
 tc=1+zs2 ht0 t02 (1+z+z0)λPt02  λPnUλ,T 4π2c21+z21/3.(25)
A plot of the above equation for 0z20 is presented in figure 2.
Figure 2. Variations of the Cosmic Time with Redshift.
Equation (25) yields the value of  tc for the redshift z=zs, at the present time as
tc=1+zs2 ht0 t02 (1+zs+z0)λPt02  λPnUλ,T 4π2c21+zs21/3=0.224107 Gy.(26)
In the above equation tc represents the temporal radius of the surface of last scattering at the present time. Because the value of tc occurs at z=zs=1090, it sets the limit on how close we can get to the instant of the big bang.
Setting the redshift, z, in equation (25) to zero yields the maximum value of the cosmic time tc as
 tcMax=1+zs2 ht0 t02 (1+z0)λPt02  λPnUλ,T 4π2c21/3=18.850753 Gy. (27)
It will be shown that tcMax represents the future maximum range of visibility.
4.2. Evaluation of the Relation of the Look-Back Time and Redshift
The relation between the look-back-time, tLB, and redshift is given by
tLB= tcMax- tc=18.850753 Gy-1Gy1+zs2 h t0 t02 (1+z+z0) λPc t02  λPnUλ,T 4π2c21+z21/3. (28)
Plots of the above equation for 0z20 and 0zzs=1090 are presented in figures 3 and 4 respectively.
Figure 3. Variations of the Look-Back-Time with Redshift for 0z20.
Figure 4. Variations of the Look-Back-Time with Redshift for 0zzs=1090.
Because the maximum age of the visible universe at the present time is about 14.9619 Gy, as figure 3 shows and equation (28) confirms, the maximum value that can be measured for the redshift is z<14.06. Figure 4 shows that the maximum range of future visibility is up to tcMax=18.850753 Gy. This maximum corresponds to the redshift zs= zCMB=1090 associated with the surface of last scattering. Therefore we conclude that tcMax represents the future maximum range of visibility. That is, as the universe ages further, one expects to be able to see objects up to 18.8953 billion light years away.
5. Predictions of the Model
In the following three sub-sections we present the details of the predictions of the distance redshift relation, the distance look-back-time relation, and the expansion velocity and the expansion acceleration with look-back-time.
5.1. Luminosity Distance Redshift Relation
In equation (28) the look-back-time, tLB, represents the instantaneous temporal radius of the universe, with earth as its center. Considering the expansion of space and the relativity effect, using Lorentz transformation, it can be shown that the length of the luminosity time, tL, is given by
Here γ is the Lorentz factor, which is given by
In the above relation, u represents the Doppler redshift velocity, which is the relative velocity between the source and the observer, Harrison , and z̃=z+z0 represents the redshift. Considering the “expanding balloon” model, as pointed out by Simionato, objects are points on the surface of the expanding balloon. Thus, based on equation (28), the luminosity distance, dL, for any given value of the redshift, z, is given by
dL=tL=cπγtLB=cπγ tcMax-1Gy1+zs2 h t0 t02 (1+z+z0) λPc t02  λPnUλ,T 4π2c21+z213, (31)
where  t0=14.96185 Gy, as given by equation (20), and tcMax=18.8508 Gy, as given by equation (27). The expanding balloon model implies that the universe has a positive curvature. This is consistent with Planck’s CMB spectra which appear to be more consistent with the universe having a positive curvature, Di Valentino et al. .
To show the variations of the luminosity distance, dL, with redshift, equation (31) is plotted in Figure 5. This figure appears to suggest that the luminosity distance is linearly proportional to the redshift. However, the slope of this curve, η=ds(tLB)dz, is not constant, and it varies with the redshift.
Figure 5. Variations of Luminosity Distance with Redshift.
5.2. Luminosity Distance Look-Back-Time Relation
Equations (28) and (31) relate the look-back-time and the luminosity distance to the redshift. For the same values of redshift, using these equations, we have tabulated the corresponding values for the look-back-time and the luminosity distance. To show the relation between the luminosity distance and the look-back-time, the corresponding tabulated values are used to plot Figure 6.
Figure 6. Variations of Luminosity Distance/ct0 with Look-Back-Time.
5.3. Relations of the Expansion Velocity and Acceleration with Look-Back-Time
In order to evaluate the expansion velocity and the expansion acceleration, we first fit the following function,
dLc t0 =ftLB=i=1i=12ai etLB16 bi1+i-1,(32)
to the data of figure 6 (values of ai and bi are given in the Appendix). For comparison purposes, the plot of equation (32) is superimposed on the plot in figure 6 as shown in figure 7 (the Dashed Red Curve). Figure 7 confirms the fidelity of representation of the data of figure 6.
Figure 7. Representation of Variations of Luminosity Distance/ct0 with Look-Back-Time.
The dimensionless expansion velocity, ve/c, and the dimensionless expansion acceleration, ae/g, are evaluated through differentiations with respect to the look-back-time, tLB, that is
where the gravitational acceleration on the earth surface, g=9.807 m s-2, is used to make the expansion acceleration, ae, dimensionless. Based on the above two equations, plots of variations of expansion velocity and expansion acceleration versus the look-back-time are presented in figures 8 and 9.
Figure 8. Variations of Expansion Velocity with Look-Back-Time.
Figure 9. Variations of Expansion Acceleration with Look-Back-Time.
To better display the more recent variations of expansion velocity and expansion acceleration, equations (33) and (34) are replotted in figures 10 and 11 for 0<tLB9 Gy. Figure 10 shows an inflection point in the velocity at tLB5 Gy, and figures 11 and 12 confirm that the location of the inflection point is at tLB4.77 Gy. Looking forward from CMB emission toward the present time, as seen from figure 10, the expansion decelerates all the way toward the present time. The expansion velocity decelerates at reducing rates till the inflection point. After the inflection point, the expansion velocity decelerates at increasing rates toward the present time. Looking back in time, figure 11 shows that the expansion acceleration is always positive. To better characterize the expansion acceleration, its rate of change, jerk=d(ae)dtLB, is plotted in figure 12. This figure shows that the jerk is initially negative but it crosses the zero at tLB4.77 Gy, after which it remains positive.
Figure 10. Representation of Variations of Expansion Velocity with Look-Back-Time.
Figure 11. Representation of Variations of Expansion Acceleration with Look-Back-Time.
Figure 12. Variations of Rate of Change of Expansion Acceleration with Look-Back-Time.
6. Evaluation of Energy Density
Based on equations (6), (13) and (21), the output energy, E1, and the input energy, E2, are given as follows:
E1=Uλ,T 4π rs2 π tCMB=Uλ,T 4π2c21+ zs2 (410829 y)3=1.34552×1070 j. (35)
E2= h tobs nonen= h tobs c tobs2 (1+zs) λPc tobs2  λPn= ht0  t02 (1+zs) λPt02  λP n=1.34552×1070 j.(36)
As expected, the input and output energies, E1 and E2, are equal to each other. Using equation (35) we see that the energy density per square area, ρA, is constant, and its value is given by
ρA=E1A=E14π rs2=Uλ,T π tCMB=1.462×106 ×π×410829 y=5.95471×1019 j. m-2.(37)
This constant surface energy density provides the pressure that is perpetuating the expansion of the universe. As seen from equation (37), this energy density is independent of time, and its value does not change no matter how much the universe expands. The source of this constant surface energy density is the momentum energy of photons. Photons have no mass; and as seen from equations (35) and (36), the constant surface energy density, ρA, involves no mass.
The energy density per unit volume is given by
ρ=E2A=E1A=E14π3 rs3=4π rs2ρA4π3 rs3=3 ρArs=Pw,(38)
where ρ represents energy per unit volume, P represents pressure, and w=p/ρ is the “equation of state.” Thus
w=Pρ=13 rs ρA.(39)
Since the input energy, E2, is equal to the output energy, E1, the work down by the pressure going through the distance, rs, generates the input energy per unit area that must be equal to the output energy per unit area, ρA. That is, rs=ρA. Thus substitution for rs back into equation (39) yields
which represents the “equation of state” for relativistic radiations that in our case are the released photons. It should be noted that the above result is consistent with a spherically expanding universe. Therefore, the path of photons, from the surface of last scattering to the present time, must be along the arc of a curve on the periphery of the expanding universe. This is in agreement with General Relativity, according to which light follows the curvature of space time.
7. Check of Consistency of the Predictions of the Model with the Observational Data
7.1. Consistency of Ages of the Four JWST Spectroscopically Confirmed High Redshift Galaxies
The names of these four galaxies and their corresponding spectroscopically measured redshifts, as reported by Curtis-Lake, et al. are listed in Table 1. Considering the present age of the universe to be t0=14.9618 Gy, as given by the proposed model, and the corresponding measured redshift, the ages of these galaxies are evaluated via the look-back-time, tLB, given by equation (28). These ages are listed in the third column of Table 1. The ages of these galaxies are also calculated using UCLA Cosmological Calculator (, with 2018 ΛCDM parameters’ values: H0=67.4 and Ωm=0, and the present-time age of the visible universe, t̃0=13.791 Gy. These ages are listed in the fourth column of Table 1. For comparison we modify the ages in the fourth column by multiplying them by the ratio t0t̃0=14.962 /13.791 and listing the results in the fifth column of this table. The last column of this table shows the percent difference between the ages of galaxies, given in the third column, and the ages calculated based on the ΛCDM model listed in the fifth column. These small differences demonstrate the consistency of the predictions of the ages of galaxies via the proposed model with the ΛCDM model predictions. As a further demonstration of the utility of the model, the ages of galaxies, as listed in the third column of table 1, are plotted on the plot of figure 3 in figure 13.
Table 1. Spectroscopic Redshifts and Ages of Galaxies.


Spectroscopic Redshift, z

Age, Gy  t0=14.962 Gy

Age, Gy  t̃0=13.791 Gy

Age, Gy Modified Age

Percent Difference

























Figure 13. Prediction of Galaxies Ages via the Look-Back-Time Redshift Relation.
7.2. Comparisons of Distance Moduli with Observational Data
To check the consistency with observational data we first evaluate the distance modulus, μ, based on the luminosity distance, dL, as given by equation (31). The distance modulus is defined by
μ=25+5 Log dLMegaparsec.(41)
Equation (41) is plotted in figures 14 and 15 for the values of redshift 0z20. To check how well the curve in these figures represents the observational data, the following sets of observational data are also plotted in these figures:
1. A set of 557 SNe data with redshifts from a low of z=0.0152 to a maximum of z=1.4, as reported in the Union2 Compilation . In figures 14 and 15 these data points are shown in red.
2. A set of 394 extragalactic distances to 349 galaxies with cosmological redshifts from a low of z=0.133 to a maximum of z=6.6, as reported by Mador and Steer . In figures 14 and 15 these data points are shown in blue.
3. A set of the 4 most distant astronomical objects observed by JWST with spectroscopically determined redshifts. These redshifts are from z=10.38 to a maximum of z=13.20, as listed in Table 1. For these galaxies the distance moduli are calculated based on the modified ages as listed in the fifth column of Table 1. The distance moduli for these galaxies are also plotted in figures 14 and 15. The data points corresponding to these distances are shown in black.
Figure 14. Comparison of the Prediction of the Present Model with Observational Data.
Figure 15. Comparison of the Prediction of the Present Model with Observational Data.
8. Evaluation of the Hubble Constant and the Cause of Tension in the Measurements
The proposed model is totally independent of the ΛCDM model. It involves neither its Hubble constant nor its dark matter/energy or any cosmological constant. There is no derived parameter in this model; the only input to the model is the redshift, whether measured or assumed. In this section it is shown how this analytical model can be used to calculate the Hubble constant, H0.
The present time age of the visible universe, as given by equation (20), is t0=14.96185 Gy. At the present time the closest we can get to the instant of the big bang, as given by equation (26), is tc=0.224107 Gy. Thus the maximum length of the look-back-time at the present is given by
But because the expansion is isotropic, the length of time between the surface of last scattering and the present time is given by
tH0=2ts-t0=2 t0-tc-t0=t0-2 tc=14.5136 Gy(43)
The time tH0 above represents the Hubble time, which yields the following value for the Hubble constant:
H0=1tH0 Mpc1000=114.5136 Gy  Mpc1000=67.3383 km s-1 Mpc-1(44)
This is almost identical to the value ofH0=67.4±0.5 km s-1Mpc-1as reported by Planck observations.
8.1. A Discovery
It should also be mentioned that during this work we discovered that the naturally constant number π2Gc 1 kg1 m2 Mpc1000=67.7661 km s-1 Mpc-1 happens to be consistent with the Planck observations reported value of H0=67.4±0.5 km s-1 Mpc-1. However, if this number is considered to be the correct value of H0, then according to the proposed model, assuming the present time temperature of the universe is T0=2.752799 K, a temperature of Ts=3226.395 K at the CMB emission would increase the redshift at the CMB emission to zs=TsT0=3226.3952.752799=1172.0418 K. Substitutions of Ts=3226.395 K and zs=1172.0418 in the proposed model will yield the age of the visible universe as t0=14.422010 Gy,  tCMB=350929.607008 y, and tc=0.205827 Gy. Using these values for t0 and tc, the model yields the Hubble time tH0=14.010355 Gy and the Hubble constant H0=67.7661 km s-1 Mpc-1. This value for H0 matches the constant number π2Gc 1 kg1 m2 Mpc1000 exactly.
8.2. The Cause of Tension in the Measurements of the Hubble Constant
The two well known sets of measurements of H0 that are in tension with each other are:
one by Reiss et al., which reports a value of
H0R=73.2±1.3 km s-1 Mpc-1,(45)
and the other by the Planck Collaboration, which reports a value of
H0P=67.4±0.5 km s-1Mpc-1.(46)
To explain the cause of tension between the H0R value and H0P value, we first derive their values using the proposed model.
(A). To derive H0R we assume the present age of the visible universe, as assumed by Reiss et al., is
t0R=13.791 Gy.(47)
Substitution of this age into equation (21) yields the age of the universe at CMB emission as
 tCMBR= 1y ht0R t0R2 (1+zs) λPt0R2  λP nUλ,T 4π2c21+zs21/3=399819.680433 y.(48)
Therefore, according to equation (26), the temporal radius of the surface of last scattering,  tcR, at the assumed present time, t0R, is given as
 tcR=1+zs2 tCMBR=1+zs21y ht0R t0R2 (1+zs) λPt0R2  λP nUλ,T 4π2c21+zs21/3=1+10902  399819.680433 yGy=0.218102 Gy.(49)
Thus the Reiss et al. Hubble time, TH0R, based on the model, is given by
TH0R=t0R-2 tcR=13.791 Gy-2(0.218102 Gy)=13.3548 Gy.(50)
This Hubble time yields the value for the Hubble constant as
H0R=1TH0R Mpc1000=113.3548 Gy   Mpc1000=73.1815 km s-1 Mpc-1(51)
This value of the Hubble constant is essentially identical with the measured value of 73.2±1.3 km s-1Mpc-1 as reported by Reiss et al.
(B). The Planck Collaboration Hubble constant given in equation (46) yields its associated Hubble time as
TH0P=1H0P Mpc1000=167.4  Mpc10001Gy=14.5003 Gy.(52)
The Planck Collaboration age of the universe, t0P, is given by
t0P=TH0P+2 tcp.(53)
Initially  tcpis assumed to be equal to tc=0.224107 Gy given by equation (26). Substitution of this value of tc into equation (53) yields t0P=14.948562 Gy. Substitution of this value of t0P in place of t0 into equation (26) yields the temporal radius of the surface of last scattering at the present time as
tcp =1+zs2 tCMBP=1+zs2 1y ht0P t0P2 (1+zs) λPt0P2  λP nUλ,T 4π2c21+zs21/3=0.224041 Gy.(54)
Substituting this value of  tcp back into equation (53) and repeating this cyclical process, after six cycles we find tcp=0.2240399 Gy. The seventh cycle gives the same value. Thus, based on the model, the Planck Collaboration age of the universe at the present time, t0P, is given by
t0P=TH0P+2 tcp=14.5003 Gy+2×0.2240399 Gy=14.9484 Gy.(55)
Substitution of this age into equation (21) yields the age of the universe at CMB emission as
 tCMBP= 1y ht0P t0P2 (1+zs) λPt0P2  λP nUλ,T 4π2c21+zs21/3=410,706.950027 y.(56)
Therefore the temporal radius of the surface of last scattering at the time t0P is given by
tcP=1+zs2 tCMBP=1+10902  410706.950027 yGy=0.224107 Gy.(57)
Thus the Hubble time, TH0P, is given by
TH0P=t0P-2 tcP=14.9486 Gy-2 (0.224107 Gy)=14.5003 Gy.(58)
This Hubble time yields the value for the Hubble constant as
H0P=1TH0P Mpc1000=114.5003 Gy   Mpc1000=67.4 km s-1 Mpc-1.(59)
This calculated value of H0P exactly matches the reported value of H0P=67.4±0.5 km s-1Mpc-1 given in equation (46). It differs from the value H0=67.3383 km s-1 Mpc-1 given by the proposed model by less than 0.092%.
Assuming the present time age of the visible universe to be t0=13.791 Gy, the proposed model predicted the value, as given by equation (51), of H0R=73.1815 km s-1 Mpc-1, which differs from the value H0R=73.2 km s-1 Mpc-1 by less than 0.026%. Also the proposed model prediction of the age of the visible universe of t0=14.96185 Gy is very close to the age of t0P=14.9484 Gy, calculated based on the Planck Collaboration measurement, differing from it by less than 0.089. Thus it can be concluded that the predictions of the model for H0R and H0P are consistent with their corresponding value as measured by the Reiss et al. and as measured by the Planck Collaboration.
Comparing equation (47) with equation (55), it is seen that the age of the universe, t0P according to the Planck Collaboration, is greater than the age of the universe, t0R according to the Reiss et al. This difference in the age of the universe gives rise to the tension between H0R and H0P. The Planck Collaboration measurement, using CMB temperature fluctuations power spectra, is non-local: its starting point is close to the surface of last scattering. The path of light for the evaluation of the luminosity distance, according to the model, is along a curve on the periphery of the expanding universe. According to the proposed model, the Planck Collaboration measurement can effectively be considered to be along a curve. This is in agreement with General Relativity, according to which light follows the curvature of space time.
But the Reiss et al. measurement, starting from the earth using the cosmic distance ladder, measures the straight line time distance along the chord of a curve which is the same curve along whose arc the Planck Collaboration measurement has effectively been performed.
8.3. Confirmation of the Cause of Tension in the Measurements of the Hubble Constant
As a proof of the cause of tension we consider equations (50) and (52) or equivalently equations (45) and (46). Based on these equations, the ratio of the Planck Collaboration and the Reiss et al. Hubble times is given as
TH0PTH0R=H0RH0P=14.5003 Gy13.3548 Gy=1.085774.(60)
The ratio of the Arc length to the Chord length for a circular arc subtending the angle θ=1.393768 radians is given by the following relation:
Arc LengthChord Length= θ/2Sin{θ/2]=0.696884Sin{0.696884 }=1.085774.(61)
The identical results from the above two equations reveal the cause of the tension: one evaluates the length of time along a curve, while the other evaluates the length of time along the chord of the same curve.
Further in the following we show that the left-over part, angle ϕ, accounts for the reductions of 2 tcR and 2 tcP in equations (50) and (58) respectively. The left over angle ϕ is given by
ϕ=π2-θ=π2-1.393768=0.177028 radian.(62)
The ratio of the arc length to the chord length for angle ϕ is given by
 ϕSin{ϕ]=0.177028Sin{0.177028 }=1.005242.(63)
Using the values for  tcR and  tcP, as given in equations (49) and (54), their ratio is given by the following relation:
 2 tcP2 tcR=0.224041 Gy0.218102 Gy=1.02723.(64)
The difference between above two ratios is less than 2.2% and this is within the stated errors associated with the two measured values of H0. This result provides further confirmation that the Planck Collaboration measurement is along a circular arc, while the Reiss et al. measurement is along the chord of the same circular arc.
9. Summary and Conclusions
In this work, we have formulated an analytical model that involves neither the Hubble constant nor any dark matter/energy. The only input to the model is the measured or assumed redshift. Based on a temperature of about 3000 K and the redshift zCMB=1090, associated with the surface of last scattering, the model makes the following predictions:
1) The present time age of the visible universe is t0=14.96185 Gy.
2) The age of the universe when the electromagnetic waves start to be emitted is temi=50, 280.1 y.
3) The age of the universe at CMB emission, tCMB=410, 829 y.
4) The ultimate range of visibility for the observable universe is t0c=18.8508 Gy.
5) The relation between the look-back-time and redshift.
6) The relation between luminosity distance and redshift.
7) The relation between luminosity distance and look-back-time.
8) The relations between the expansion velocity and the look-back-time, and between the expansion acceleration and the look-back-time.
9) The expansion of the universe is perpetuated by the constant surface energy density, ρA=5.9407×1019 j. m-2.
10) The Hubble constant is equal to H0=67.3383 km s-1 Mpc-1.
11) If one assumes the temperature at CMB emission to have been Ts=3226.395 K rather than 3000 K, then the Hubble constant would be equal to H0=π2Gc×1 kg1 m2×Mpc1000=67.7661 km s-1 Mpc-1.
The comparisons with observational data demonstrate consistency of the predictions of this model with observational data as well as with both the Reiss et al. and the Planck measurements. The model also shows that the cause of the tension in the measurements of the Hubble constant is due to the different paths along which the measurements are effectively performed.


Cosmic Microwave Background


Cold Dark Matter

All the numerical work and plots are done via Wolfram Mathematica v.10.0, 4/3/2014.
Author Contributions
Naser Mostaghel is the sole author. The author read and approved the final manuscript.
Data Availability Statement
The distance moduli redshift data are available at:
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest.

























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  • APA Style

    Mostaghel, N. (2024). An Analytical Model for Cosmology with a Single Input, the Redshift. American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 11(2), 51-64.

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    ACS Style

    Mostaghel, N. An Analytical Model for Cosmology with a Single Input, the Redshift. Am. J. Astron. Astrophys. 2024, 11(2), 51-64. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaa.20241102.12

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    AMA Style

    Mostaghel N. An Analytical Model for Cosmology with a Single Input, the Redshift. Am J Astron Astrophys. 2024;11(2):51-64. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaa.20241102.12

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajaa.20241102.12,
      author = {Naser Mostaghel},
      title = {An Analytical Model for Cosmology with a Single Input, the Redshift
      journal = {American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics},
      volume = {11},
      number = {2},
      pages = {51-64},
      doi = {10.11648/j.ajaa.20241102.12},
      url = {},
      eprint = {},
      abstract = {We propose an analytical model for cosmology which requires only one parameter as an input. This parameter is the redshift. The model is based on conservation of energy, Planck’s Radiation Law, and the relation between energy and frequency of waves. The model yields the current age of the universe, the age of the universe at the CMB emission, as well as the time histories of its expansion velocity and acceleration. The model also is used to show the existence of a constant energy per unit area, associated with the momentum energy of photons, which generates the pressure that perpetuates the expansion of the universe. The model is completely independent of the ɅCDM model but implicitly includes the effects of gravity. Using the model we show the existence of a constant in nature that under certain assumptions can represent the Hubble constant. We have used the model to derive the Hubble constants measured by Reiss et al. and by the Planck Collaboration. Using the model we show that the path of light in the Planck collaboration measurement is along a circular arc, while the Reiss et al. measurement path is exactly along the chord of the same circular arc. The difference in the light travel times along these two paths matches exactly the difference between the two measured values for the Hubble constant, as measured by Reiss et al. and as measured by the Planck Collaboration. This result explains the cause of tension between the two methods of measurement.
     year = {2024}

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    T1  - An Analytical Model for Cosmology with a Single Input, the Redshift
    AU  - Naser Mostaghel
    Y1  - 2024/07/08
    PY  - 2024
    N1  -
    DO  - 10.11648/j.ajaa.20241102.12
    T2  - American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics
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    JO  - American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics
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    EP  - 64
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2376-4686
    UR  -
    AB  - We propose an analytical model for cosmology which requires only one parameter as an input. This parameter is the redshift. The model is based on conservation of energy, Planck’s Radiation Law, and the relation between energy and frequency of waves. The model yields the current age of the universe, the age of the universe at the CMB emission, as well as the time histories of its expansion velocity and acceleration. The model also is used to show the existence of a constant energy per unit area, associated with the momentum energy of photons, which generates the pressure that perpetuates the expansion of the universe. The model is completely independent of the ɅCDM model but implicitly includes the effects of gravity. Using the model we show the existence of a constant in nature that under certain assumptions can represent the Hubble constant. We have used the model to derive the Hubble constants measured by Reiss et al. and by the Planck Collaboration. Using the model we show that the path of light in the Planck collaboration measurement is along a circular arc, while the Reiss et al. measurement path is exactly along the chord of the same circular arc. The difference in the light travel times along these two paths matches exactly the difference between the two measured values for the Hubble constant, as measured by Reiss et al. and as measured by the Planck Collaboration. This result explains the cause of tension between the two methods of measurement.
    VL  - 11
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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