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Contamination Level of Arsenic and Cadmium in the Water and Sediments of a Fish Farm: Application of Contamination Indices

Received: 6 January 2022     Accepted: 16 February 2022     Published: 20 April 2022
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Fish farming is widely practiced around the world. Fish is an important source of protein and contributes to the supply of highly nutritious animal protein in Côte d'Ivoire. Pollution of fish farms by toxic metals can lead to contamination of farmed fish. This study evaluates the content of trace metallic elements (TME), which are arsenic (As) and cadmium (Cd) in the water and sediments of a pond farm located in Abengourou in the east of Côte d'Ivoire. Water and sediment samples were collected from a dam and three ponds on the farm in September and October 2020. These samples were analyzed using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. All data was processed using STATISTICA 7.1 and was used to calculate Metal Pollution Index (MPI), Ratio Sediment/Water (RS/W), Contamination Factor (CF), the pollution load index (PLI), the individual potential risk index (Er) and the ecological risk index (PERI) in order to assess the level of metal contamination of the fish farm. The mean concentrations of metallic trace elements are higher in the sediments (As: 0.2045±0.218496 - 0.3950±0.1103 mg/kg; Cd: 0.0565±0.0148 - 0.0880±0.0212 mg/kg) than in water (As: (0.1837±0.0148) × 10-2 - (0.2296±0.0300) × 10-2 mg/L; Cd: (0,1150±0.0129) × 10-2 - (0.1250±0.0076) × 10-2 mg / L). Sediments also have the highest overall metal contents. However, MPI<1 in both sediment and water. The CF (As=0.102±0.109 - 0.198±0.055; Cd=0.565±0.148 - 0.880±0.212) showed that the sediments were not contaminated. The PLI (0.253±0.062 - 0.335±0.090) indicated that the sediments on the fish farm were not polluted. In addition, Er (As: 1.02±1.09 - 1.98±0.55; Cd: 16.95±4.44 - 26.40±6.36) and PERI (18.93±4.99 - 27.59±7.57) showed that the sediments do not pose an ecological risk to farmed fish. However, RS/W>1 showed strong mobility of TMEs from water to farm sediments. The concentrations of trace metal elements assayed in the samples were below the recommended standard for freshwater aquaculture. The CF, PLI, Er and PERI indices indicate a low degree of contamination, pollution and a low ecological risk. However, RS/W indicate high mobility of TME from water to sediment.

Published in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Volume 11, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.aff.20221102.15
Page(s) 90-99
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


Trace Metal Elements, Fish Pond, Water, Sediment, Pollution, Côte d’Ivoire

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  • APA Style

    Ali Sanou, Safiatou Coulibaly, Essignan Fabrice Tresor Tanon, Mehinta Baro, Namory Meite, et al. (2022). Contamination Level of Arsenic and Cadmium in the Water and Sediments of a Fish Farm: Application of Contamination Indices. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 11(2), 90-99. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.aff.20221102.15

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    ACS Style

    Ali Sanou; Safiatou Coulibaly; Essignan Fabrice Tresor Tanon; Mehinta Baro; Namory Meite, et al. Contamination Level of Arsenic and Cadmium in the Water and Sediments of a Fish Farm: Application of Contamination Indices. Agric. For. Fish. 2022, 11(2), 90-99. doi: 10.11648/j.aff.20221102.15

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    AMA Style

    Ali Sanou, Safiatou Coulibaly, Essignan Fabrice Tresor Tanon, Mehinta Baro, Namory Meite, et al. Contamination Level of Arsenic and Cadmium in the Water and Sediments of a Fish Farm: Application of Contamination Indices. Agric For Fish. 2022;11(2):90-99. doi: 10.11648/j.aff.20221102.15

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      title = {Contamination Level of Arsenic and Cadmium in the Water and Sediments of a Fish Farm: Application of Contamination Indices},
      journal = {Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries},
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      abstract = {Fish farming is widely practiced around the world. Fish is an important source of protein and contributes to the supply of highly nutritious animal protein in Côte d'Ivoire. Pollution of fish farms by toxic metals can lead to contamination of farmed fish. This study evaluates the content of trace metallic elements (TME), which are arsenic (As) and cadmium (Cd) in the water and sediments of a pond farm located in Abengourou in the east of Côte d'Ivoire. Water and sediment samples were collected from a dam and three ponds on the farm in September and October 2020. These samples were analyzed using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. All data was processed using STATISTICA 7.1 and was used to calculate Metal Pollution Index (MPI), Ratio Sediment/Water (RS/W), Contamination Factor (CF), the pollution load index (PLI), the individual potential risk index (Er) and the ecological risk index (PERI) in order to assess the level of metal contamination of the fish farm. The mean concentrations of metallic trace elements are higher in the sediments (As: 0.2045±0.218496 - 0.3950±0.1103 mg/kg; Cd: 0.0565±0.0148 - 0.0880±0.0212 mg/kg) than in water (As: (0.1837±0.0148) × 10-2 - (0.2296±0.0300) × 10-2 mg/L; Cd: (0,1150±0.0129) × 10-2 - (0.1250±0.0076) × 10-2 mg / L). Sediments also have the highest overall metal contents. However, MPIS/W>1 showed strong mobility of TMEs from water to farm sediments. The concentrations of trace metal elements assayed in the samples were below the recommended standard for freshwater aquaculture. The CF, PLI, Er and PERI indices indicate a low degree of contamination, pollution and a low ecological risk. However, RS/W indicate high mobility of TME from water to sediment.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Contamination Level of Arsenic and Cadmium in the Water and Sediments of a Fish Farm: Application of Contamination Indices
    AU  - Ali Sanou
    AU  - Safiatou Coulibaly
    AU  - Essignan Fabrice Tresor Tanon
    AU  - Mehinta Baro
    AU  - Namory Meite
    AU  - Ange Marie Lydie Guei
    AU  - Boua Celestin Atse
    Y1  - 2022/04/20
    PY  - 2022
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.aff.20221102.15
    DO  - 10.11648/j.aff.20221102.15
    T2  - Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
    JF  - Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
    JO  - Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
    SP  - 90
    EP  - 99
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2328-5648
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.aff.20221102.15
    AB  - Fish farming is widely practiced around the world. Fish is an important source of protein and contributes to the supply of highly nutritious animal protein in Côte d'Ivoire. Pollution of fish farms by toxic metals can lead to contamination of farmed fish. This study evaluates the content of trace metallic elements (TME), which are arsenic (As) and cadmium (Cd) in the water and sediments of a pond farm located in Abengourou in the east of Côte d'Ivoire. Water and sediment samples were collected from a dam and three ponds on the farm in September and October 2020. These samples were analyzed using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. All data was processed using STATISTICA 7.1 and was used to calculate Metal Pollution Index (MPI), Ratio Sediment/Water (RS/W), Contamination Factor (CF), the pollution load index (PLI), the individual potential risk index (Er) and the ecological risk index (PERI) in order to assess the level of metal contamination of the fish farm. The mean concentrations of metallic trace elements are higher in the sediments (As: 0.2045±0.218496 - 0.3950±0.1103 mg/kg; Cd: 0.0565±0.0148 - 0.0880±0.0212 mg/kg) than in water (As: (0.1837±0.0148) × 10-2 - (0.2296±0.0300) × 10-2 mg/L; Cd: (0,1150±0.0129) × 10-2 - (0.1250±0.0076) × 10-2 mg / L). Sediments also have the highest overall metal contents. However, MPIS/W>1 showed strong mobility of TMEs from water to farm sediments. The concentrations of trace metal elements assayed in the samples were below the recommended standard for freshwater aquaculture. The CF, PLI, Er and PERI indices indicate a low degree of contamination, pollution and a low ecological risk. However, RS/W indicate high mobility of TME from water to sediment.
    VL  - 11
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphou?t-Boigny (INP-HB), Laboratoire des Procédés Industriels de Synthèses, de l’Environnement et des Energies Nouvelles (LAPISEN), Yamoussoukro, C?te d’Ivoire

  • Centre de Recherches Océanologiques (CRO), Département Aquaculture, Abidjan, C?te d’Ivoire

  • Laboratoire des Milieux Naturels et Conservation de la Biodiversité, Université Félix Houphou?t-Boigny (UFHB), UFR Biosciences, Abidjan, C?te d’Ivoire

  • Laboratoire des Milieux Naturels et Conservation de la Biodiversité, Université Félix Houphou?t-Boigny (UFHB), UFR Biosciences, Abidjan, C?te d’Ivoire

  • Laboratoire de Constitution et Réaction de la Matière (LCRM), Université Félix Houphou?t-Boigny (UFHB), UFR SSMT, Abidjan, C?te d'Ivoire

  • Laboratoire des Milieux Naturels et Conservation de la Biodiversité, Université Félix Houphou?t-Boigny (UFHB), UFR Biosciences, Abidjan, C?te d’Ivoire

  • Centre de Recherches Océanologiques (CRO), Département Aquaculture, Abidjan, C?te d’Ivoire

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