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Response of Mung Bean (Vignaradiata L.) Varieties to Phosphorus Fertilizer Rates Under Irrigation Condition

Received: 17 November 2023     Accepted: 4 December 2023     Published: 14 December 2023
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The field experiment was conducted during 2018/19 cropping season at Gewane Afar region of Ethiopia to identify well adapted and high yielding varieties, determine optimum and assess cost-benefit of phosphorus fertilizer rates for production of mung bean. Treatments studied consisted of factorial combinations of three improved mung bean varieties and one local varieties (Boreda, NVL-I, Rasa and Showa robit respectively) and four phosphorus rates (10, 20, 30 and 40 kg P ha-1) laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The results showed that the highest effect of 40 kg P ha-1 on plant height (45.03 cm), primary branch (5.64), secondary branch (6.5), total number of nodules (8.0), hundred seed weight (4.77g) and aboveground dry biomass (5.08 t). The interaction effect of varieties and phosphorus rate also significantly influenced 50% flowering, 90% physiological maturity, number of pod plant-1, number of seed pod-1 and grain yield. The highest days to flowering (45 days) and days to maturity (74.15 days) were recorded from variety Rasa with 10 kg P ha-1 whereas, the highest numbers of pods plant-1 (28.5), number of seed pods-1(10.8) and grain yield (1.54 t) were recorded from the combination of variety Boreda with 30 kg P ha-1, which was statistically at par with that from variety Boreda with 40 kgP ha-1. Whereas the lowest grain yield (0.72 t ha-1) was obtained from the application of 10 kg P ha-1 with variety NVL-1. The results of partial budget analysis showed that application of 30 kg Pha-1 with variety Boreda gave marginal rate of return above the minimum acceptable values with additional investment advantage for the future. Among the combinations of varieties with P fertilizer rates, variety Boreda with 30 kg P ha-1 had showed acceptable marginal rate of returns (262%) and generated the highest net benefit (31,493 birr). Hence it can be concluded that use of 30 kg P ha-1with variety Boreda can be used to enhance the yield and profitability of mung bean production at Gewane and areas with similar agro-ecology. However, the results need to be evaluated and cheeked under different agro climatic conditions and season.

Published in Advances in Biochemistry (Volume 11, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.ab.20231104.12
Page(s) 53-66
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Science Publishing Group


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  • APA Style

    Shiferaw, E. T., Abewoy, D. (2023). Response of Mung Bean (Vignaradiata L.) Varieties to Phosphorus Fertilizer Rates Under Irrigation Condition. Advances in Biochemistry, 11(4), 53-66.

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    ACS Style

    Shiferaw, E. T.; Abewoy, D. Response of Mung Bean (Vignaradiata L.) Varieties to Phosphorus Fertilizer Rates Under Irrigation Condition. Adv. Biochem. 2023, 11(4), 53-66. doi: 10.11648/j.ab.20231104.12

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    AMA Style

    Shiferaw ET, Abewoy D. Response of Mung Bean (Vignaradiata L.) Varieties to Phosphorus Fertilizer Rates Under Irrigation Condition. Adv Biochem. 2023;11(4):53-66. doi: 10.11648/j.ab.20231104.12

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ab.20231104.12,
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      abstract = {The field experiment was conducted during 2018/19 cropping season at Gewane Afar region of Ethiopia to identify well adapted and high yielding varieties, determine optimum and assess cost-benefit of phosphorus fertilizer rates for production of mung bean. Treatments studied consisted of factorial combinations of three improved mung bean varieties and one local varieties (Boreda, NVL-I, Rasa and Showa robit respectively) and four phosphorus rates (10, 20, 30 and 40 kg P ha-1) laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The results showed that the highest effect of 40 kg P ha-1 on plant height (45.03 cm), primary branch (5.64), secondary branch (6.5), total number of nodules (8.0), hundred seed weight (4.77g) and aboveground dry biomass (5.08 t). The interaction effect of varieties and phosphorus rate also significantly influenced 50% flowering, 90% physiological maturity, number of pod plant-1, number of seed pod-1 and grain yield. The highest days to flowering (45 days) and days to maturity (74.15 days) were recorded from variety Rasa with 10 kg P ha-1 whereas, the highest numbers of pods plant-1 (28.5), number of seed pods-1(10.8) and grain yield (1.54 t) were recorded from the combination of variety Boreda with 30 kg P ha-1, which was statistically at par with that from variety Boreda with 40 kgP ha-1. Whereas the lowest grain yield (0.72 t ha-1) was obtained from the application of 10 kg P ha-1 with variety NVL-1. The results of partial budget analysis showed that application of 30 kg Pha-1 with variety Boreda gave marginal rate of return above the minimum acceptable values with additional investment advantage for the future. Among the combinations of varieties with P fertilizer rates, variety Boreda with 30 kg P ha-1 had showed acceptable marginal rate of returns (262%) and generated the highest net benefit (31,493 birr). Hence it can be concluded that use of 30 kg P ha-1with variety Boreda can be used to enhance the yield and profitability of mung bean production at Gewane and areas with similar agro-ecology. However, the results need to be evaluated and cheeked under different agro climatic conditions and season.
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Response of Mung Bean (Vignaradiata L.) Varieties to Phosphorus Fertilizer Rates Under Irrigation Condition
    AU  - Eyaya Tigabie Shiferaw
    AU  - Damtew Abewoy
    Y1  - 2023/12/14
    PY  - 2023
    N1  -
    DO  - 10.11648/j.ab.20231104.12
    T2  - Advances in Biochemistry
    JF  - Advances in Biochemistry
    JO  - Advances in Biochemistry
    SP  - 53
    EP  - 66
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2329-0862
    UR  -
    AB  - The field experiment was conducted during 2018/19 cropping season at Gewane Afar region of Ethiopia to identify well adapted and high yielding varieties, determine optimum and assess cost-benefit of phosphorus fertilizer rates for production of mung bean. Treatments studied consisted of factorial combinations of three improved mung bean varieties and one local varieties (Boreda, NVL-I, Rasa and Showa robit respectively) and four phosphorus rates (10, 20, 30 and 40 kg P ha-1) laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The results showed that the highest effect of 40 kg P ha-1 on plant height (45.03 cm), primary branch (5.64), secondary branch (6.5), total number of nodules (8.0), hundred seed weight (4.77g) and aboveground dry biomass (5.08 t). The interaction effect of varieties and phosphorus rate also significantly influenced 50% flowering, 90% physiological maturity, number of pod plant-1, number of seed pod-1 and grain yield. The highest days to flowering (45 days) and days to maturity (74.15 days) were recorded from variety Rasa with 10 kg P ha-1 whereas, the highest numbers of pods plant-1 (28.5), number of seed pods-1(10.8) and grain yield (1.54 t) were recorded from the combination of variety Boreda with 30 kg P ha-1, which was statistically at par with that from variety Boreda with 40 kgP ha-1. Whereas the lowest grain yield (0.72 t ha-1) was obtained from the application of 10 kg P ha-1 with variety NVL-1. The results of partial budget analysis showed that application of 30 kg Pha-1 with variety Boreda gave marginal rate of return above the minimum acceptable values with additional investment advantage for the future. Among the combinations of varieties with P fertilizer rates, variety Boreda with 30 kg P ha-1 had showed acceptable marginal rate of returns (262%) and generated the highest net benefit (31,493 birr). Hence it can be concluded that use of 30 kg P ha-1with variety Boreda can be used to enhance the yield and profitability of mung bean production at Gewane and areas with similar agro-ecology. However, the results need to be evaluated and cheeked under different agro climatic conditions and season.
    VL  - 11
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Plant Science and Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture of Gewane Agricultural TVET College, Gewane, Ethiopia

  • Crop Research Process, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Wondo Genet, Ethiopia

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