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Information in Plants: The Informational Model of the Plant Cells and Plant Structures

Received: 4 May 2022     Accepted: 18 May 2022     Published: 26 May 2022
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The aim of this paper is to analyze and discuss the informational activity in plants, showing the unitary functionality on the entire scale of evolution and organization. For this, it is shown that matter-related information play a basic/fundamental/key role in living organisms, and allow to unify under a unique concept – that of information, the understanding and description of the structuration and functionality of living organisms, from the most humble structure – the prokaryotic cell, to multicellular organisms, plants and animals, via eukaryotic cells, the basic unit of them. The initiation of plants' development, from the small compressed / “zipped” seed grain, according to an apparent a priori “knowledge” / “know-haw” designed project, would be impossible without a continuous/rigorous communication between the “knowledge” and execution components, supported by matter-related informational mechanisms, consisting in embodiment/disembodiment of information during the structuration/destructuration processes. Information is therefore the powerful tool assisting the body growth/development/maintenance, and more than that, the dynamic inter-communication with the environment and body itself. Experimental evidences show that plants are sensitive/sentient to temperature, humidity, concentration of nutrients and their gradients, chemical substances and their gradients, gravity, tissue damage/mechanical pressure, to the neighbors light-competition, memorizing and deciding the optimal plastic tropism among the alternatives of confrontational vertical growth, shade tolerance and lateral-avoidance, or on the preferential direction of the root development, according to the neighbor architecture. An operative informational system OIS=CASI+CDC+IRSS can be thus defined, where CASI is the center of acquisition and storing of information, CDC the center of decision and command, IRSS the info-reactive sentient system, which can modulate the programmed informational system PIS=MIS+GTS+IGG for adaptation, where MIS is the maintenance informational system, GTS the genetic transmission system and IGG the info-genetic generator. The info-connection (IC) is defined as specific informational center, allowing to selectively distinguish the characteristic/valuable information of species/cell tasks among multitude of informational signals. On this basis, it is defined and discussed the informational system of plant cell and plant structures, showing that plants, although non-nervous organisms, actually as well as the eukaryotic cells, but with elaborated mechanisms for sensorial and info-communication between their components and with external environment, dispose of their own cognitive system, and therefore are able to make decisions and to adapt their structure and functions to the environment conditions. These evidences and cognitive behaviors are discussed in terms of informational of the informational system of plants.

Published in Cell Biology (Volume 10, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.cb.20221001.14
Page(s) 31-40
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


Information, Matter-Related Information, Informational Agents, Cognitive System, Informational Model of Plants

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  • APA Style

    Florin Gaiseanu. (2022). Information in Plants: The Informational Model of the Plant Cells and Plant Structures. Cell Biology, 10(1), 31-40. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.cb.20221001.14

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    ACS Style

    Florin Gaiseanu. Information in Plants: The Informational Model of the Plant Cells and Plant Structures. Cell Biol. 2022, 10(1), 31-40. doi: 10.11648/j.cb.20221001.14

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    AMA Style

    Florin Gaiseanu. Information in Plants: The Informational Model of the Plant Cells and Plant Structures. Cell Biol. 2022;10(1):31-40. doi: 10.11648/j.cb.20221001.14

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  • @article{10.11648/j.cb.20221001.14,
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    T1  - Information in Plants: The Informational Model of the Plant Cells and Plant Structures
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    PY  - 2022
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    AB  - The aim of this paper is to analyze and discuss the informational activity in plants, showing the unitary functionality on the entire scale of evolution and organization. For this, it is shown that matter-related information play a basic/fundamental/key role in living organisms, and allow to unify under a unique concept – that of information, the understanding and description of the structuration and functionality of living organisms, from the most humble structure – the prokaryotic cell, to multicellular organisms, plants and animals, via eukaryotic cells, the basic unit of them. The initiation of plants' development, from the small compressed / “zipped” seed grain, according to an apparent a priori “knowledge” / “know-haw” designed project, would be impossible without a continuous/rigorous communication between the “knowledge” and execution components, supported by matter-related informational mechanisms, consisting in embodiment/disembodiment of information during the structuration/destructuration processes. Information is therefore the powerful tool assisting the body growth/development/maintenance, and more than that, the dynamic inter-communication with the environment and body itself. Experimental evidences show that plants are sensitive/sentient to temperature, humidity, concentration of nutrients and their gradients, chemical substances and their gradients, gravity, tissue damage/mechanical pressure, to the neighbors light-competition, memorizing and deciding the optimal plastic tropism among the alternatives of confrontational vertical growth, shade tolerance and lateral-avoidance, or on the preferential direction of the root development, according to the neighbor architecture. An operative informational system OIS=CASI+CDC+IRSS can be thus defined, where CASI is the center of acquisition and storing of information, CDC the center of decision and command, IRSS the info-reactive sentient system, which can modulate the programmed informational system PIS=MIS+GTS+IGG for adaptation, where MIS is the maintenance informational system, GTS the genetic transmission system and IGG the info-genetic generator. The info-connection (IC) is defined as specific informational center, allowing to selectively distinguish the characteristic/valuable information of species/cell tasks among multitude of informational signals. On this basis, it is defined and discussed the informational system of plant cell and plant structures, showing that plants, although non-nervous organisms, actually as well as the eukaryotic cells, but with elaborated mechanisms for sensorial and info-communication between their components and with external environment, dispose of their own cognitive system, and therefore are able to make decisions and to adapt their structure and functions to the environment conditions. These evidences and cognitive behaviors are discussed in terms of informational of the informational system of plants.
    VL  - 10
    IS  - 1
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Science and Technology of Information, Institute of Microtechnology, Bucharest, Romania

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