American Journal of Artificial Intelligence

Special Issue

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Food Industry to Perform Again After Pandemic

  • Submission Deadline: 31 March 2022
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Sonal Pandey
About This Special Issue
The potential role of Artificial Intelligence in the whole world and in almost all industries cannot be overlooked. The food industry also needs to use AI as much as it can, because industry is little delayed in using technology due to lack of funds availability and dependency on old traditional use of techniques. To increase the growth of the food industry, manufacturers, producers, marketers all are nowadays looking for revolutionary techniques in their specific sector, and the result is fast emergence of AI in every sector of the food industry. Usability of AI provides some form of interactivity between the system users and the system itself, hence enhancing usability of AI would be a great choice to implement. If a human solution is forced on someone, one can argue, but in the case of “absolute” artificial intelligence, everyone will be forced to accept. Do they need this? In this special issue, focus would be on analysis and deciding about the above question. Focus should be on pros and cons of adoption of AI in the food industry. With the help of SWOT analysis there are beneficial suggestions about how industry can check whether it is good for their unique industry requirements and how much AI is reliable in the food industry. The objective of research is to find out how AI is doing for the betterment of the food industry at present? and how is it good to implement /adopt more?


  1. AI
  2. Food Industry
  3. Covid-19
  4. Food Production
  5. Manufacturing
  6. Distribution
  7. Marketing
  8. SWOT Analysis of AI Implementation
Lead Guest Editor
  • Sonal Pandey ORCiD

    Department of Agricultural, Rutgers University, Monmouth Junction, United States