International Journal of Literature and Arts

Special Issue

The Palestinian Cause in Arts, Media and Scientific Research

  • Submission Deadline: 30 June 2024
  • Status: Open for Submission
  • Lead Guest Editor: Faten Ridene
About This Special Issue
The Palestinian Cause has long been a focal point for both Arabic and international societies, transcending gender, nationality, and age, and encompassing a wide range of educational and professional backgrounds. It has inspired various forms of artistic expression, including literature, music, drama, dance, visual arts, and film, as well as media investigations and academic studies. This cause has been recognized as an international issue, prompting in-depth examinations from different perspectives. Artists, both Palestinian and from the broader Arabic and international communities, have contributed significantly to addressing the Palestinian Cause. Their collective action underscores the universality of the issue, evoking deep emotions and a sense of shame in those who fail to grasp its depth and sensitivity. The love for Palestinian territory permeates the veins of many societies, fostering a strong attachment to the Palestinian land.
Among the native Palestinian artists, prominent figures such as poets Mahmoud Darouich and Rifaf Zieda, painters Jamel Bedouin and the late Ismael Chammout, and the recently deceased artist and activist Rim Al Banna have captured the Palestinian experience through their respective artistic mediums. Furthermore, numerous Arabic artists have consistently engaged with the Palestinian Cause in their artistic pursuits, using art as a means of expression. Notably, the collaboration between the Rahbani brothers (a poet and composer) and the Lebanese singer Fairouz resulted in the creation of the renowned song "Zahrat Al Madaen" (The Flower of Cities), which powerfully conveyed the pain of the June 1967 setback. Arabic poets, too, have delved deep into the Palestinian quest, with the late Syrian poet Nizar Kabbani gaining recognition for his transcendent poems that crossed linguistic boundaries. The Palestinian cause has also found expression in docu-fiction films, including the notable work "Swallows Do Never Die in Jerusalem" by Tunisian filmmaker Ridha El Behi. Caricature and photography have played a significant role in portraying the Palestinian Cause, particularly with their widespread dissemination through social media platforms. These expressive art forms, with their instantaneous reach and timely updates, have become powerful instruments in supporting the Palestinian cause. Through these diverse artistic expressions and the power of media, the Palestinian Cause has emerged as a testament to pain and suffering, inspiring a collective demand for liberation from nations worldwide.
This phenomenon calls for analysis, which can be explored through the contributions of different participants focusing on three main axes:
  • (1) The Palestinian Cause, as it is treated in artworks (music, cinema, literature, paintings, sculptures…)
  • (2) The Palestinian Cause, as it is treated through media (interviews, investigations, pictures, reports…)
  • (3) The Palestinian Cause, as a study and/or research field (in philosophy, psychology, human sciences, sociology…)
  • We invite researchers, educators and practitioners to contribute their insights, experiences and research findings to this special issue.


    1. Palestinian Cause
    2. Arts’ Issue
    3. International Issue
    4. Media Representation
    5. Cultural Contributions
    6. Liberation Demand
    7. Research Field
    8. Freedom Of Expression
    Lead Guest Editor
    • Faten Ridene

      Higher Institute of Theater and Music El Kef, University of Jendouba, El Kef, Tunisia

    Guest Editors
    • Murat Akser

      School of Arts and Humanities,University of Ulster, Ulster, United Kingdom

    • Ouafa Ouarniki

      Ziane Achour, University of Djelfa, Djelfa, Algeria

    • Tarek Ben Chaabane

      Higher School of Audiovisual and Cinema ESAC Gammarth, University of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia

    • Asma Manai

      Department of Interior Design, University of Manouba, Manouba, Tunisia

    • Hassen Zriba

      Higher Institute of Applied Sciences in Humanities,University of Gafsa, Gafsa, Tunisia

    • Ali Chamseddine

      Higher Institute of arts and crafts Gabes,University of Gabes, Gabes, Tunisia

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