American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Business

Special Issue

Personnel Management and Technology

  • Submission Deadline: 1 July 2024
  • Status: Open for Submission
  • Lead Guest Editor: Swati John
About This Special Issue
Personnel Management takes care of compliances related to people in the organization. It deals with how an organization can impact the employees and encourage them to work effectively. Engagement with employees is important. Various aspects like role of organization behavior, technology and other help in guiding the organization making policy for the workforce. It also helps in designing the task effectively. OB is the study of identifying and implementing the mechanism and method which help in getting the desired behavior of employees. Leadership is one of the important reasons behind many type of behavior of people in organization. The journal will emphasize on various aspect of personnel management where role of leadership, technology, organization structure, system and related impacts the personnel management. There are multiple aspects which delineates the progress of employees and these changes with time due multiple factors. In fact for effective personnel management technology is playing very crucial role in current scenario. It is well accepted fact of industrialist and academicians that personnel management is crucial for any business organization, especially in digital era. Lot of training, acceptability to change and related are required in leaders and employees of the organization.
Therefore the issue focusing on such aspects is useful and helpful for organization and business leaders. The journal will focus on factors which plays role in causing and changing behavior of organization at individual, group and organization level.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. HRIS
  2. AI and Workforce
  3. Technology and Retention
  4. Organization system, processes, culture, structure and people
  5. Analytics and people behaviour
  6. People inclusiveness and diversity
The aim of this issue to focus on aspects which can help and guide controlling the organization behavior. It will provide insights about various innovative techniques and methods to generate right behavior in the organization. These factors include- Motivation, Perception, conflict management, group behavior, personality, organization politics and power, group dynamics, emotional intelligence, leadership effectiveness, Role of leadership in shaping the business, decision making and related.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Swati John

    Amity Global Business School, Pune, India

Guest Editors
  • Harshvardhan Bhavsar

    Institute of Management Studies Career Development and Research, Ahmednagar, India

  • Pritam Chattopadhyay

    Institute of Travel and Tourism, Amity University Kolkata, Kolkata, India

  • Rakshita Puranik

    Indore Institute of Management and Research, Indore, India

  • Sheetal Darekar

    Patil University, Pune, India

  • Vatsala Manjunath

    Global Business School and Research Centre, Pune, India

  • Monica Sainy

    Amity Business School, Amity University, Raipur, India

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