International Journal of Literature and Arts

Special Issue

Intersecting Science, Literature, and the Arts

  • Submission Deadline: 10 March 2020
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Brontë Pearson
About This Special Issue
Intersecting Science, Literature, and the Arts—not to be mistaken with science fiction—would encompass the collaboration of creative writing and art with scientific fact to accomplish a variety of goals such as communicating science news and discoveries for a general audience, unraveling why or how something occurred within a piece of literature, and to promote social change and scientific awareness through a creative but informative outlet.
Aims and Scope:
  1. Enhance creative forms with scientific facts
  2. Debunking
  3. Promote social and scientific awareness
  4. Inspire political action
  5. Explain literary works through a scientific lens
  6. Intersecting disciplines
Lead Guest Editor
  • Brontë Pearson

    Science Communication Group, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, United States

Guest Editors
  • Bradly Ellis Burke

    Department of Microbiology,Immunology, and Pathology,Colorado State University, Fort Collins, United States

  • Prakash Chauhan

    Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, India

  • Wiwiek Meisuri

    English Depatment, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia