International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis

Special Issue

Landslide Dam and Flood Hazards: Modeling and Mitigation

  • Submission Deadline: 31 December 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Aurelia Sole
About This Special Issue
Natural hazard caused by the failure of the landslide dam due to the interaction between landslides and river courses, is a research topic of great relevance, because to date many catastrophic events have occurred in the world producing extensive damage to environmental system and loss of life. The main effects of such interaction could include partial blockage of the river, entire occlusion of the floodplain, potential dam failure, riverbed dynamics and morphological alterations. The landslide dam hazard is therefore the source of the derived hydraulic hazard because of the possibility of flooding both upstream, by water impoundment, and downstream, in case of collapse of the dam.

Modelling landslide phenomena interfering with river processes is a complex task because the phenomenon involves both landslide and river dynamics. In literature have been proposed methods for forecasting the evolution of landslide dams with particular emphasis on the assessment of dam stability, some models to simulate the dam creation and the dam-break flood evolution process or to estimate the vulnerability of a complex territorial system to the landslide and flood events.

This special issue intends to provide a contribution to evaluate the hazard concerning the presence of these complex phenomena improving the dissemination of advanced research examples concerning the main scenarios connected with a damming episode and in particular: predict the possibility that a moving landslide could block a river, assess the stability of an already formed landslide dam, evaluate flood hazard assessment in downstream valley from a possible dam failure. Hazard method and technologies are a useful tool for providing estimation of landslide dam hazard consequences, evaluating costs and benefits of possible intervention, increasing the knowledge of the critical issues in order to protect the economy and people and enlarging the resilience of communities to these types of hazards.Aims and Scope:

1. Landslide dam and flood hazard assessment
2. Landslide dam potential effects and impacts
3. Predictive modeling and mitigation strategies
4. Land use planning and management
5. Economic costs of landslide dam damage
6. Social resiliency to landslide dam and flood hazards
Lead Guest Editor
  • Aurelia Sole

    School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy

Guest Editors
  • Raffaele Albano

    School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy

  • Andrea Cantisani

    School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy

  • Luciana Giosa

    School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy

  • Luciana Giuzio

    School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy

  • Leonardo Mancusi

    Sustainable Development and Energy Resources Department, Research on Energy Systems - RSE Spa, Milano, Italy

  • Salvatore Manfreda

    Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures. Architecture, Environment and Cultural Heritage (DICEM), Matera, Italy

  • Stefania Pascale

    School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy

  • Francesco Sdao

    School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy